

We stop right there and didn't move I already learn from the last time, so I will not move no matter what happened. Marry hugs Sara tightly it look like this is the end, but lightning strike again very close wolf got scared of it so they start running when we see that Sara say.

Sara "run for it if we stay, we are dead, run look there is a cave in there we have to make it there'.

We start running while Sara holds Marry, I really drag him this time. The first tiger now this I shouldn't have come with her.

We are inside the cave it is so cold, so I start a fire using lighter from packed and we set there and then lightning strike close to our cave. If I think about it. It is like lightning looking for something no, more like chasing some thigh wait, what if it is not something what if it is us what the hell I am thinking.

And then it got common its strike time to time closer and then I start to thinking about it again, what if it so chasing us, but why is it chasing us, do we have an electromagnetic field that attracts lightning no way where is no electromagnetic concept in this time.

In ancient time lighting strike mean is a punishment for having. Wait, I get it, it is not chasing us it is chasing me cause I change the law of nature I change the time and history so the nature is looking for me no way. I also play something like that in the game where you have to save you, girl, using time power and destroy the rest of the town or you have to choose her. It is something like that for sure.

Once I realize it, it makes all sense after a wile I stand up and start walking through the cave entrance where we come from. When I am almost at the entrance Sara grabbed my Hande from behind and say

Sara "What are you doing"

I look at her eye and didn't say anything, it is not like I can't, I don't know what to say to her.

Yes that game was life is strange

BillyRazcreators' thoughts
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