
Chapter 6: I found another fool!

I arrived at a lavish estate with a huge fence sealing off the property. I should be able to sneak right in. These are undeveloped species after all. But without my singing I am no better than a weak sack of meat. Hmmmm. I have an Idea!

-----5 Minutes later----

"Yes, and what did you say again" 1 of the 2 axe men guarding the gate said

"I said, I am a Merian soldier. Arrest me!!" I felt like this was the fastest way. This way they will take me right to her.

"What did you say!"

"I said ! I AM A MER-"

"Hold it their missy" A crusty hand came over my mouth. Yuck!

"This girl's a little sick, I'll be taking her home now" Gorfon snuck up on me.

"MHMH" I waved my arms frantically as Gorfon dragged my heels backwards.

"MHHHHMHM" We rounded a corner.

"What are you doing dear! Are you trying to get arrested!"

I nodded me head. "Yes". Puzzled, Gorfon grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out and in.

"Aww! What are you doing!"

"Shaking the nonsense out of you! What reason could you have to get arrested?"

"To have fun. Someone is inside that I wanna meet."

"A friend? You have Merian friends? Are you Merian"

"I am not, I just want to have fun! And you are preventing me right now! I'm going. GoodBye!" I yelled. I twisted my heel and took one large stride before my wrist was grabbed and pulled back.

"I'm sorry I can't watch a pure beautiful girl such as yourself get arrested on purpose. If you need to meet someone inside, we could arrange a visitor's session. I have that kind of pull. But first won't you rest at our home."

Me. Pure? Ha but beautiful? That's just natural.

"Miranda is cooking something really delicious. Ponta's favorite actually, It's a fried halibut glazed with sweet honey, and mashed potatoes. It isn't spicy." Gorfon eyes were begging as if he found a really good deal. I haven't fully explored the full extent of human taste yet, If the curry wasn't hot it might have been good. And Gorfon seemed to know a sure way to get in.

"Alright, but this food better be top notch." I brought my chin up "Hmph".

We reached the dinky house.

"Mel nee, You've returned!" A little ball of energy came running towards me.

"Umph". Ponta's head collided with my stomach "Hello again."

"Big Bro, your wife is home!"


"Huh Wife? I told you I'm not interested in lo-"an older boy no older than 25 human years spoke agitated. He had black bangs that curved towards his right. He was wearing brown work pants, and a dirtied white work shirt, with brown straps, holstering some … daggers?

His eyes were locked on me. Was my human transformation off? It shouldn't be?

"Hey Gorfon? Somethin wrong with this one"

"Hey Frey, say something"

"Ehem, I am Freyor Himbleed, upcoming great mage"


"Excuse my boy, he is the next head of the Himbleed Merchants" A robbed woman with shiny blue hair spoke.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself the first time I am Miranda Himbleed, the mother of this soon to be king of merchants." The robbed women wrapped her arms around her son.

King of merchants?

"I am not. I will be a great mage, I will be a-"

"Great Merchant" Miranda finished his sentence.

*Sniff* *Sniff* This human sense, smell. Something is very pleasing.

Seeing my nose twitch, "Oh, my dear we have dinner set up. Please join us."

I sat on around a wooden rectangular table, with a variety of tasty smells emanating from it.

I was served a healthy portion of everything Gorfon mentioned before. The fish was a tangy sweet while the potatoes' starch cut it, in a blend of creaminess. My face pulled up and my checks were bulging, trying to stuff as much food as possible. My eyes shut. The only sense I could, I wanted to focus on was taste. It was delicious.

"Can I have seconds?!" Me and Ponta raised our plates. We instantly locked eyes.

Miranda smiled, and gave me a whole serving before Ponta.

*Chiiiiiiiiiiii* Ponta's glare was intense.

"Don't stare so intently Ponta" Miranda gave Ponta seconds as well.

"Anyways Melody why did you want to enter the Marnor estate? You know the one where you claimed to be Merian."

"I swallowed the last bit of my second helping" There's someone fun I saw enter their"

"Melody… The only people that entered there today are prisoners of war. They will most likely be put to slave labor soon" Gorfon started chasing his fish bits with his fork.

"Alright then I'm goona be a slave too!" This term slave, is it fun?

"You can't be serious! Melody being a slave is the worst thing! And you're a girl too." Freyor slammed the table. Ponta shrunk to half his size and hid behind his hands. The outburst hung an akward silence in the air. Silence. Is it that bad?

"Alright, why don't we turn in for the night? Melody you must be exhausted after today. We have a spare bedroom next to Frey's." Miranda chimed in.

"Sleep Ha, That's so boring! It's what underdeveo--*Yawn*" What was that!

"You must be tired dear, Frey show her to the guest room" Frey gave a why me face, but was instantly struck down by a terrifying glare from his mother.

"So this is our guest bedroom." Frey said holding his shoulder.

"Mother left a fresh change of clothes for you as well, you can leave you current cloths in this basket here, we'll wash them for you." Frey avoided eye contact.

"Is something wrong?" I inched closer to see. His head turned even more away. He backed up slightly.

He appears to be flustered! Another meddlesome target. Hehe. Time to have fun!

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