
Chapter 14

Belle tan her hands through her hair after a tireless evening. She went out and was going to look for a motel when she saw Matt leaning on his car. "Oh..." she muttered unable to believe what she's seeing. She approached him and stared "What are you doing here?"

"You told me to wait, remember?" Matt said, with an amused expression.

"Hop in" he opened the door and grabbed her duffel bag throwing it inside his car.

"Uh...." She tilted her head, but followed.

He went inside the car and started it up, the drove off.

"where are we going?" she asked after a long eerie silence.

he glanced at her and grinned "Home."

she stared at him and looked away while clearing her throat as her heart beasts faster than before. "Okay, then we're going home so... does that mean I'll be staying at your place the whole week?"

"That's what it look like." he shrugged. "And by the way, don't worry, I won't take advantage of us living together, though i do want you." he said.

casually as if it was nothing.

She blushed. "Whatever, I'm not saying anything and you're so defensive. You're the only one thinking like that."

"Seriously?" he raised an eyebrow. "I'll bet you were with me on that mind level."

She stuck her tongue and he laughed. "No way."


Belle slept in the guest room of the huge house that Matt has. They ate and watched TV then they headed off for their rooms with a tense goodnight. The next morning, Matt was woken up by a doorbell. He went downstairs and opened the door, to face his best friend and two girls.

"Morning, bro." Nathan greeted.

"Hi," Chase said and they both made their way inside sliding beside Matt.

"What the-"

"Girls, come in." Nathan called.

The girls giggled and went in.

"What the hell are you guys doing this early?" Matt asked frustrated.

"We want to play a game." Chase said. "Where's Belle?"

"Sleeping," he said.

"I'll wake her up." Nathan volunteered.

"Don't you dare." Matt threatened. "She's tired. Let her sleep."

"Ohhh...sorry," Nathan mumbled with a grin. "Let's eat breakfast then. Oh wait, I haven't introduce you to this lovely ladies. This is Angel, my girlfriend." he winked at her and she giggled. She's blonde and model type with skinny everything.

"This is Ashley, she's mine." Chase introduced draping an arm on her shoulder. She's red hair and skinny like Angel but with much more curves.

"Okay, I never knew you guys were courting someone..." Matt trailed.

"That's cause you're busy with dear sexy goddess Belle," Nathan explained.

"Wait," Angel said. "He's dating Belle? As in Isabelle the weird one with glasses?"

Matt raised an eyebrow at her and nodded.

"Wow, you hit the jackpot. That girl is sexy and beautiful and no one was like can approach her with her aloof atmosphere though we know everyone was drooling at her whenever she walks by." Angel explained.

"Well, except for Steve. He's pretty much clinging on her though she wasn't that interested. They're like...just friends." Ashley shrugged. "So, you are her type. No wonder, you look perfect with each other."

It was a blast for Matt to know how popular Belle is. He was sure she was always at the background.

"She's seriously that popular?" Chase asked.

"Yeah," Ashley answered. "The other seniors, juniors and sophomores are swooning on her body and face. She's beautiful without that much effort when we take time retouching and exercising."

"She got swag." Angel second. "You guys didn't know that? Almost all girls are jealous of her since she entered this school and no one was brave enough to befriend her, court her and fight with her 'cause she's out of our league."

"Huh." Nathan said with an impressed expression. "Well, you treat her like a goddess."

"I didn't know that about her." Chase said with amusement.

Matt stared.

"Bro, you caught a big fish," Nathan slapped his back with a grin.

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