
Chapter 190 A Few Days Pass

The first day of battle had not even been half over and yet, commander Ke had already seen a defeat of his forces which would lead to a definite decrease in morale for his soldiers and an increase in the morale of his enemies. This was not good especially considering that they had lost 10,000 soldiers and over a hundred fighters while the enemy lost only a hundred or two fighters? Even if who they lost were top-tier fighters, Ke had no doubt in his mind that Lun Hu had more than enough fighters that he wouldn't even consider this a huge loss in his books.

As soon as his first army retreated back, he sent in another group to fight the army of Lun Hu. But this time, commander Ke sent in an actual force meant to do some actual damage to the enemy ranks. A combined force of 60,000 went out charging at the Lun Hu's men, and in response, there came rushing out 15,000 men to meet Ke's men.

This was the exact moment that Roxi had been waiting for, as soon as she saw the enemy ranks burst out into the open, she signaled for all of her troops to start shooting at their enemies. She began the barrage by firing the first shot. Lining up someone who she believed to be a high ranking officer of Lun Hu's men, she fired a perfect shot right through one of their vital organs. If the person she shot was a strategist, then it wouldn't kill them most likely, but it was likely to do incapacitate someone for a couple of hours at least. Her soldiers followed suit and soon enough, thousands of shots were fired. Though they weren't very accurate, the mental obstacles going through the rushing army's minds were starting to take place.

As Ke's and Lun Hu's men started to clash with each other, this was apparent. Lun Hu's soldiers were not fighting as they were drilled how to and they became less effective overall. Once the two sides were in a battlefield that no one was able to distinguish friend from foe, Roxi gave the order for her troops to stop shooting. It would be bad if her soldiers accidentally shot their allies. It would be even worse if their positions were revealed to Lun Hu and he sent an attachment to hunt them down.

The fight went on for hours, but the battle that was at hand had an obvious outcome. The soldiers and high ranking officers under Lun Hu were definitely no amateurs when it came to raising morale in trying times. Not to mention, these highly-trained soldiers were individually stronger than Ke's men who were only moderately trained. Still, it was no easy feat for an army to take on a force that was 4 times as numerous as they were.

Once the sunset, both sides were still surprisingly on a mostly even battlefield, with perhaps a slight advantage to Ke's men. Both sides decided to have their forces retreat for the day and have a well-deserved rest. Nothing really interesting happened during the night on their side, but it was a bit different for Roxi's camp.

She knew that with someone as sharp as Lun Hu, there was no way she would be safe if she did not constantly move around her army. That was why, after their initial part in the second clash, she had her soldiers all move positions that she had given them prior to all of this. Even with this tactic, she was fairly certain that she would not be able to run away forever. Sooner or later, Lun Hu would send some men over to try to take them out. Safety was her utmost priority, and if she managed to keep her squad from being decimated by Lun Hu up until the end of the war, she might have been one of the best supports in the entire war.

By the second day, the battle had calmed down to a mere fraction of what it was on the previous day. The two sides just kept sending wave after wave at each other, most of these were pretty small scale, so Ke had gotten quite bored. However, this did not mean that he acted on this fire inside his belly and he continued to do battle as he waited for the enemy to do anything big. His expectations were excellently betrayed as this type of warfare continued on for the next few days. He did not really mind if his army was taking out the men of Lun Hu at a rate of 1 to 1. Heck, he would even lose 2 of his soldiers for one of Lun Hu's men dead. Be that as it may, the reality was a lot grimmer than it was in his imagination.

All of these small scale clashes were likely all led by different strategists who were extremely skilled. There was just no way that he was going to lose every single engagement if it wasn't the case. Even with Roxi's help, he wasn't really getting anywhere. That was why, on the sixth day, he finally gave in and sent in the majority of his army to wreak havoc. If Lun Hu sent a bunch of small attachments, there was no way they would be able to win. The only thing Lun Hu could do was to send in a larger force to combat the 25,000 that Ke had sent in to get some business done.

All throughout the first few days, Lun Hu had always sent out smaller attachments than commander Ke to show that his troops were far superior individually. However, this time was different. This time, he had also sent in a force of 25,000, but there was a catch. Lun Hu was personally leading the charge this time, and whenever he personally charged into the battlefield, his soldiers were able to fight so much better as they all felt that his strength was somehow able to flow into them as well.

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