

The black cat AI smirked as his annoying older sister was given a time-out by their mother. However, the smirk was gone in a flash that their unsuspecting human parents failed to notice it. In addition, it was a little difficult to discern any expression on the black cat AI's face because his fur was so dark that he almost looked like pure shadow. If one didn't look too closely, his facial features couldn't be seen except for its glowing golden eyes.

His tail swished lazily behind him. "Mother, Bacon would like to request a change of form, preferably something more impressive than this current one."

Iris frowned. She loved Bacon's current form. Why would she change it?Β 

"What form do you wish to change into?" Jin Liwei interjected.

Bacon shifted his golden eyes on his father. "I would like to have a bigger and more majestic form. For example, a panther."

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