
Too tired to eat

"So, this is the new car?" he asked as he looked at the car.

"White," she said.

"You name it white? Because of the color?" he asked. He understood that she just introduced him to its name.

"Hmm..." it was not a unique name nor something weird. She admitted she was a bit lazy when she was thinking about the name. When she changed the color of White, she decided to change its name too to suit the new color.

Easy and quick and she did not have to break her head when naming it.

"Quite a good choice for your first car," he commented finally once he was done checking everything.

She smiled. Then, she turned to get into the house.

She made drinks in the kitchen. He did not go to the living room but accompanied her there. He watched interestingly as she prepared hot cocoa for him. She did not brew coffee but made cocoa.

They then went to the living room. She sat beside him on the sofa.

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