
What a bridesmaid should do?

Ryn helped to hold Mika's dress as they walked into Parc del Laberint d'Horta. After breakfast just now, Mika and Ryn entered Mika's room to do make-up and hair. Once she was done, Ryn helped Mika putting on her dress before the other woman helped her to wear her dress. The men used Ryn's room to change into their outfits. This time their outfits were a bit formal with both Jeremy and Jason wore their tuxedo. Jason's was white while Jeremy was dark blue. When they met in the living room, Ryn realized that their outfits were paired together. Mika's pink dress was paired with Jason's tie and the lining of his pocket. Ryn's dark blue dress was paired with Jeremy's tuxedo.

The crews were already waiting for them. They quickly approached the quartet to greet and helped to carry Mika's makeup bag. 

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