
Brightblade's Vow

"It's settled then." There was a happy smile on Brightblade's face as she spoke. "For the next year, you'll spend two days each week studying Forms. And when you become a novice, you'll seek out the battlefield where Elder Nikias died and recover his lost treasures."

Arran eyed his teacher suspiciously. "Just like that?"

He was glad that she agreed to his plans, but the whole thing seemed entirely too easy. She had listened attentively when he told her about the day's events, but she hadn't shown even the least bit of surprise. It was almost as if…

"You knew!" Arran exclaimed, eyes wide with shock. "This whole thing… You planned it!"

"I did no such thing," Brightblade replied calmly. "I may have heard a story or two about Elder Nikias's legendary methods, but I certainly did not encourage you to seek out that girl. That you visited the House of Flames when she was scouting initiates was a simple matter of good fortune — though, truth be told, she is rather predictable."

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