
Chapter 13: Operation Chernobyl

Thinking about what to do next, I come to the conclusion of resources. -I need resources to create these kinds of weaponry. Better just by and sell ammunition and weapons before producing myself. What kind of resources fo I even need?-

<Question translated: Resource for production>

<Answering user: Most commonly used resources are titanium, steel, platinum, copper, gold, plutonium and uranium. [With the exemption of plutonium and uranium everything else can be converted from user possession or currency.]>

-Why is that the case?- I ask the system, really interested why an almighty being, that can change the words history would be unable to do so.

<Question translated: Creation of resources>

<Answering user: The creation of resources by the system is locked to the user Level. Steel, copper, iron, lead is low-level resource creations. Incomparable easy to create unlike platinum, gold, silver, titanium, who are all medium level resources. Unlike plutonium, uranium and similar resources who are high level. [User is currently able to create medium resources from converting or money.]>

''Ok let's leave that for now.'' I tell myself, leaving the console taking an elevator down to my floor to housing the barracks, armory and the mysterious 'Singularly Gate'.

Standing in front of this metal looking ring with 6.7 meters in diameter, I ask -System what is this Singularity Gate?-

<Question translated: Singularity Gate>

<Answering user: The Gate creates a stable, artificial singularity between itself and another point in space, allowing near-instantaneous travel from the gate to any point in the universe. When given coordinates are inputted, the gate connects to that point over a subspace link and quickly gets precise locational details, then establishes a stable wormhole between them. [User is locked to the planet earth, because of Level ristrictions]>

-How do I make sure that I don't end up in the solid matter?- I ask the system but don't get an answer. -Well, fuck that!-

< Notification: Headquarters energy resources depleted in 06:59:57 hours.>

Cursing my luck, while moving to the armory I ask: -What do I need to refill it?-

<Question translated: Energy resources >

<Answering user: Possible elements to fuel large structures are plutonium, uranium, dark-/ anti-matter.>

Entering the armory I only find empty shelves, cradles and various boxes.

-And where am I supposed to get any of them? Wait a minute?!... The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant didn't explode in 1983. If I remember correctly it was supposed to have six reactors. More than enough uranium and plutonium to power my Headquarters.- I think to myself, formulating a plan to rob that power plant of its fuel.

-Let's call this Operation Chernobyl.-

<Notification: Quest [4] availabe>

<+Quest [4]:

-Primary Goal= Rob Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

-Secondary Goal= Stop the Meltdown [05:59:57]

-Rewards= $1.500.000/hidden >

-Wow. That could finance the Basic gene technology. Wait a minute I can create Quest myself?- I ask the system and promptly a notification pops up.

<Question translated: Quest creation>

<Answering user: Quests are created based on user progress, availability, and necessity.>

''Great. That is informative, but totally unusable information.'' I say into the emptiness of the armory. -Now how do I get a PPS?I without money or resources?-

<Notivication: Assembly line functions [Assembly/ Resource Conversion]>

<Convert: Ford Mustang GT500 -> Pressurized Power Suit I. (PPS.I)]

<Agree/Disagree >

''Oh, no please mot the Mustang!'' I cry out, seeing the system wanting to convert my car into the PPS.I. -How much time do I have left?-

<05:45: 32>

''Fuck you system to forcing me to destroy my very first car!'' I shout, to nobody in particular, thinking -Agree-.

<Conversion and Assembly [00:29:53]>

Is spent the remaining production time of the armor with figuring out, to use the Singularity Gate, as well as how to operate the armor by reading it's manual.


While I am spending my time checking out my headquarters, Sarah taking an important call.

''Hi, Aubrey. I need to talk to you about something...'' She tells her best friend an lover since high school. Before officially starting her career as a singer Sarah had even lived together with Aubrey in a cozy apartment down in New Orleans.

''What's up Sar? Still in trouble with your ex-boyfriend?'' Sarah hears her friend mock her. It has to be mentioned, that Aubrey wanted her to have her coming out years ago and had been against Sarah playing Roberts girlfriend in public.

''Just shut it, Aub. I am not talking about my career or my mother. I have to confess something to you...'' She tells her friend before deciding hot to break it to her. ''... I sucked a guys cock and I think I am developing a feeling for him.''

Greeted by silence, Sarah gets more and more nervous before hearing some muffled laughter. ''Aub?''

''Sorry I just find it funny.'' She hears her friend say, still suppressing her laughter.


Stopping her laughter Aubrey tells her: ''Sarah, let's be real. I am a pornographic actress. I like cocks and pussies. I just never thought you the pathological good girl would be like that. Now tell me who is that guy? I command you as your Lady.''

''G, have I. He is a super buffed sailor, no, I mean soldier. You should have seen his stomach. It's a fucking eight pack.''

''Shut up bitch. The legendary eight. Please tell me he had a tiny dick?''

''Sorry. I have to disappoint you. Despite being half Asian, his other half is African-American.''

''Lucky bitch. I have been sucking them for years but never got an eight packer with a big one. Six at max, sometimes even none at all.'' Confesses Aubrey.

Hesitantly Sarah asks. ''But what does it mean? You know I love you, but I also love him. I am a bit confused. Am I a lesbian, bi or boring?''

''Oh, ah, that might be a little tricky. Had you asked me last month in Vegas I would have said an undisputable lesbian, but now I would say bi. More importantly, what does this guy mean for us? What is his name anyway?'' Asks Aubrey, a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

''His name is Henry. I am so sorry Aub, but I really have no idea. So much happened in the last few days. First Henry, then my mom meddling, Robert and at long last Jack. And now I am living in Henry's cute cabin in the swamp calling my best friend.''

''Didn't I warn you years ago about your mother! Cynthia is one mean bitch and cannot be trusted...'' The pornstar says before realization hitting her. ''... Say what? You are living with your soldier in his cabin, in the swamps of North Carolina?''


''Oh, girl tell me where you are exactly. I will come and rescue you. Currently, I am in DC. By evening I am at your door to get you.'' Aubrey tells her in her best domina voice, not allowing any arguments.

''Calm down. I am saved. I trust Henry. Also, I took his job offer as a maid or housekeeper. In exchange, I can live here for free. But let's go back to the topic of my sexuality.''

''Whatever you say, I am still coming around nine. What about your sexuality?''

''I need to be clear about what I want. How can I figure it out?'' Asks Sarah, annoyed and at the same time very confused.

''Well there are many ways to figure out what you want. But the most revealing would be a threesome.''

''With whom?''

''You, me and that soldier of yours. If we all fuck, you should know what you want. Cock or pussy, because I know you only want monogamy in a relationship.'' Aubrey tells Sarah, guilt, and shame apparent in her voice.

An awkward silence ensues before Sarah further confesses: ''I don't know if Henry would be game with that. He most likely doesn't even know, that I sucked his dick in the morning...'!

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