
Three Realms

Broly appeared again inside his Formless Realm ... The first Realm that Broly created, which had the Jagan as his origin.

The Formless Realm, the green dimension where only space exists and there is no time except for its creator...

A dimension whose maximum size was delimited by the En of Broly and whose current size was delimited by the amount of space created by his self-imposed process of creation of 1 cubic meter for every 10,000 of fighting power in the form of energy sent...

The main dimension from which Broly, either actively, passively based his abilities.

Broly floated placidly by his enormous and practically empty dimension, looking from one side to another all the objects that had been introduced inside...

Objects that remained in the same conditions as when they were introduced in the Realm...

The samples that he had obtained, Katchin constructions and other household appliances and products, his beloved KID 2.0 spaceship, the tens of thousands of senzu beans, food fresh from the oven still hot... that was cooked months ago

Among them, of course, were Hit and the Frost

Broly, as if he were swimming in back stile, went to the two of them and with a mocking tone said "Don't worry ... I will let you out of here very soon ... more or less"

After observing his trophies, Broly teleported to another location of Formless Realm at a very specific location ... in front of a very specific item...

It was a huge sculpture of over a thousand meters made entirely of Katchin and covered with a strange glass urn... a sculpture of a colossal, violent and majestic dragon that seemed to want to eat the whole existence...

An impossibly humongous, vaguely humanoid dragon with many horns, a massive scary head on its chest, many massive wings, arms ending with claws similar to the giant head in his chest, and a very long serpentine body that seemed to have no end…

An aspect extremely similar to Shin Beruwan Bao Zakeruga of Konjiki no Gash Bell!!... but more refined and without electric beams ... and with a third eye on the forehead, like his creator

( Something like this


https://s5.mkklcdnv5.com/mangakakalot/k2/konjiki_no_gash/vol33_chapter_319_the_power_of_the_golden_book/13.jpg )

This is the model with which Broly wanted to create his Eternal Dragon.

"Huge... awesome... powerful and muscular...

Yes... muscular... someone like me wouldn't create a skinny dragon.

The muscles are masculinity...

For years in the manga and anime ... even in Dragon Ball Super ... Muscular characters have stopped appearing ... characters that were always present decades ago and are now scarce...

However, all the virile men love those muscular and badass characters and crave to see them...

The clear example of this is Nanatsu no Taizai...

We all love the rough moments of Meliodas and Ban... strong, masculine, with a great personality, background, skills and physical power... Great characters that have been developed at all levels for dozens of chapters, but...

Escanor-sama appears for the first time a few seconds and...


That's why I ... Broly, I'm so loved by the audience...That's why I'm the villain with the most films of all (yes, Biobroly existed) ... I've even become canon because of popular demand...


(I leave this funny reaction to the opening 3 of Nanatsu no Taizai ... it's in Spanish, but the message is clear 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeC3z0oGHUM )

Broly with his telekinesis moved the sculpture of the Dragon to follow him behind and after observing it for a little longer ... proud of his work as a sculptor he said ...

"I still cannot go inside, but...

I want to see my precious Form Realm again"

Broly from his Formless Realm directed his gaze to another place ... another dimension...

A huge white and empty dimension with a large palace in the center of it ... very similar to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber... since he took it as a reference the two years that he wain inside to create it ... although he couldn't use it for now…

A white dimension that seemed to have no end, although it has...

The maximum size of this dimension corresponds to the total size of Broly's En... which was huge... So huge that it practically covered the entire universe 7 (in the case of reaching the end of the dimension you will appear on the opposite side)

A dimension in which time passed differently ... perfect for training ... even more perfect for training than the Hyperbolic Time Chamber itself ...

Although with other inconveniences quite limiting for Broly ... like the one of not being able to enter yet...


Why would it put such absurd conditions?

Well... I probably put them in this way to avoid becoming a lone wolf... to force me to socialize

I hoped that with my divine energy it would be possible to avoid my own bureaucracy, but...

I see that it's impossible ... as expected of me...

When I say NO is NO ... For good or bad...

Well, for now I don't need this dimension either...

If something I have to spare is time..."

Broly stopped paying attention to the Form Realm reflected in his right eye ... since he couldn't do anything within that dimension now and there was no excessive need to do so...

Instead, he noticed the dimension of his left eye ... the other dimension that until now hadn't even been able to release...

He hadn't been able to travel to her... he hadn't been able to develop it... he hadn't even been able to establish the laws of his invasion...

However, that was going to change very soon

Broly next to the statue of the monstrous dragon of which he prided so much ... both appeared in the void of space.

In an infinite void where you couldn't see anything at all ... there wasn't the slightest light coming from a distant star, there was no kind of matter nearby ... There wasn't the slightest trace of life or existence, it was impossible to detect any Ki type or presence ...

It was as if nothing existed in that universe...

It seemed so because it was precisely what was happening ... there was nothing in that universe except Broly and his sculpture.

Because they weren't in the universe 7 ... they were in the brand new Realm of Broly.

A dimension of infinite size, which represented his unlimited power...

"Finally ... my last Realm... I need to furnish it but it's quite cozy" Broly breathed strongly with his arms open and said with satisfaction "It smells new"

Moments after speaking alone and satisfying himself of his achievements, he turned to his statue...

Broly transformed ... into his most powerful transformation to date... The True Super Saiyan God.

The union between True Saiyan, Super Saiyan and Saiyan God.

The aspect of this transformation was a less muscular True Saiyan with the fur that covered his body in afire red colour, the same colour that would also have his hair, tail and eyes...

Then he put his two hands in front of the statue covered by the crystalline sphere ... and his hands began to shine while reciting a strange spell in the language of the gods, which was a bit long and absurd...

When the spell ended ... from the hands of Broly appeared golden rays that went towards the statue.

The statue that was being saturated with those rays of light began to shine intensely ...

The brightness intensified every second, until the statue reached the limit and created an overwhelming light explosion that illuminated the vacuum of space

When that explosion of light subsided, the dragon statue inside the crystal sphere disappeared...

However, that statue hadn't disappeared ... it had been transformed ... Or rather, it had come to life...

In the immensity of that empty dimension, a huge humanoid Dragon with different faces ... bigger than several galaxies put together... was born.


Despite having increased its size several billions of times, h imposing and intimidating appearance remained the same... the only thing that changed was its colour... The base of his body was made of a mixture between golden and greenish colour ... his fangs were reddish and the rest of wings and pikes were of a blueish and greenish colour

Broly looked at the sky in the direction of his new creation and with tears in his eyes "Spectacular ...

I think I am going to cry…

I always wanted my own dragon...


From now on you will be called ... ACNOLOGIA...


Because I love that name!"


Acnologia opened his arms and began to shine uncontrollably until that shine completely enveloped his titanic body...

Moments later that brightness was divided into seven titanic rays of light, which were scattered throughout Broly dimension...


Broly was able to see that within those huge rays of light there were spherical objects made of Katchin... spherical objects with the size of a small planet...

Those were his own Dragon Balls in a dormant state.

"My Dragon Balls are huge too ... they are not as big as the Super Dragon Balls yet, but ... They will grow ...

The bad thing is that I'll have to wait a fucking year until I can ask for my wish...

Hahahaha... doesn't matter… I can wait...

Now I have my own unlimited universe with my own dragon balls of almost unlimited power for me alone...

And the best thing is that no one will know

Also, since this is my universe, I have absolute control and I can pick them up whenever I want without even moving a finger"

Saying that, seven planetary objects appeared around Broly ... they were the seven Sleeping Dragon Balls that he had created a few moments ago


With this my Desire Realm is inaugurated...

And with this…

My Three Realms are finally complete"

The first Realm of all, Formless Real...

Where space was created from nothing...

Space, the first dimension that contains all reality ... where objects are found with width, height and depth in a relative position and direction ... from which events will unfold

The Realm of the Neither Existence Nor Non-existence ... where there is space that contains the objects that will create the events ... but not the time that allows those events to have history

Place where only the creator god above all else exists

Realm that represents the power of his creator's over space


The second Realm, the Form Realm ...

After creating the three-dimensional space, which can be perceived and measured by mortals... a fourth dimension was created... the time that can be measured, but not perceived by mortals...

Time, the dimension that contains the separation and the duration of events within a space

Giving continuity to reality

The Form Realm is the place to which only a select few have access ... Gods among mortals for whom time becomes eternal in that dimension...

Realm that represents the power of his creator's over time


The third and last Realm, the Desire Realm

With the existence of the space that contains and places the objects that will develop the events that make up reality ... and the time that contains the separation and duration of events... Events that can develop, thus creating causality.

The cause and the effect produced by those events that take place in a specific space and time.

The Desire Realm, called in this way by the desires and motivations of the beings that inhabit the universe that unleash the cause and the effect ... It is an infinite universe consisting of normal space and time where those who inhabit it exist and develop their existence in a normal way .

Realm that represents the power of its creator over cause and effect.


These are Broly's Three Realms...

His own dimensions on which he was the absolute god and with which he could impose his laws on other nearby dimensions...

(I was inspired by this to create this power's http://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Three_realms)

Broly made a clone of himself and one of them left the Desire Realm to universe 7, while the other remained in the Desire realm

"Years ago I rebuilt an island ...

Now I have the challenge of furnishing stars, planets and life a whole infinite universe...

It will take many years...

But there is still a little something I need to do before finishing my big project"

I practically have not been home this weekend, so I just wrote this chapter ...

I don't know if it will be possible for me to write another tomorrow but I will try.

What do you think about my explanation of his realms and the dragon?

Meralmancreators' thoughts
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