
=== Happy New Year! ===

On a certain night, People of the Ekigatamura gathered in the Prohorovkan Main Headquarters to celebrate the new year. Shichiro's usual large cafeteria was built to invite the people in. The room was lively with the people's chatter and the speakers blasting loud music. The Prohorovkan did their very best to prepare for this happy celebration. Since the PTRD consists of many people, the cafeteria, the whole base and their territories were designed with lightings and speakers. They even have their tanks and their anti-tank weapons modified with fireworks. Everything is so new to the Ekigatamuran people. It is the happiest celebration in their entire history.

"Maan, look at all these!" Mariko laughed. They have just arrived on the base with their R75. The entrance of the base was very bright with yellow lights, with a neon text in Japanese greeting the visitors 'Happy New Year!'. "Wow... It's so bright and loud!" Ayumi quickly went out of the R75 and ran inside the base. "Hey, Ayumi!" Chiho tried to scold Ayumi but she has gone inside the base quickly. "...W-What's with these loud sounds? We've been hearing all these the entire trip..." Shu Fang looked so disturbed. "...Is this how their world celebrates? This is just so loud for me" She said. "W-Well, it can't be helped, right? Aside from the loud sounds, I think this is quite fun..." Chiho looked around themselves, Lots of their people and the Prohorovkans getting along together before them. "This feels so nice..." Chiho smiled. "Yeah... Sure does..." Mariko looked around. As they stand there, admiring the scene, Yagano and Katsuko came out of the base with their fancy dress. "Oh! Chiho! You made it!" Yagano let go of Katsuko and shouted at Chiho. "Hey! Father!" Chiho ran to meet her father. "Hello, Yagano-san. Can't you believe what's happening right now?" Mariko greeted Yagano. "Yeah, This is crazy!" Yagano laughed.

"Mother?" Chiho noticed that Katsuko was barely keeping her smile up. "Chiho? Oh..." Katsuko smiled at her. "Ehh... Your mother doesn't like these loud sounds from those things they call speakers" Yagano scratched his head. "Sorry... Maybe my hearing is that sensitive..." Katsuko smiled weakly. "...I think I can relate with you, Katsuko-san..." Shu Fang joined Katsuko's company. "Well! Let's not stand here long! Shichiro and his friends are waiting for you girls!" Yagano said. "H-He is?!" Mariko blushed. "Yeah! They're waiting in that large diner hall" Yagano nodded. And with that, they proceeded to the cafeteria.

"Holy cow!" Mariko shouted as soon as they entered the large cafeteria. "It's like the whole fucking world is in this goddamn place! And it's so big!" Mariko observed the whole room. It is very big and wide. The roof was very high. They were traced by large black lines, they can be opened for the skies to be seen, With the roofs opened, Glass replaced them. The lights to brighten the whole cafeteria was fixed into this roof. The whole room is filled with tables and long metal chairs with them. On the opposite side of the entrance is the large counter where they can get any foods they wanted, since it was a party, their long menu tab above them is changed to display a text 'Happy New Year XXXX!". Every corner of the room was decorated and the cafeteria's boring silver color was effectively covered. "Can we even find a fucking empty table with this many people?!" Mariko scratched her head. "We're sharing with the same table as Shichiro's and his friends. Follow me..." Yagano leads the way. "H-He's sharing with us?!" Mariko blushed hard. "Yeah... Father said they are waiting to meet us, right?" Chiho said. "Y-Yeah! Let's go!" Mariko nodded repeatedly and walked fast with a tensed body. "...What's wrong with her?" Shu Fang stared at her walk. "Is she falling in love with that Shichiro guy?" "EEHH?!" Chiho and Shu Fang both yelled at the same time as they heard Katsuko.

"H-Hey! Good evening..." Mariko arrived at their table and greeted while staring at the table. "Good evening, Mariko-san!" Tamie greeted. "H-Hello there, Tamie..." Mariko looked at her. "The hell you blushing about?" Mark asked. "H-Huh?! Shut up you..." Mariko looked up to Mark and about to shout until her gaze went pass by Shichiro. "U-Uh..." Mariko squirms for a second before being bumped by Takumi from behind. "Yoo!! Good fucking evening guys!" She shouted. "How's our place?! Looks good, yeah?!" She said as she drags Mariko into the seat beside Maeru. "Hahaha! You see that one over there?! Me and my friends did that!" Takumi started to tell them about what she had done on their decorations. Mariko was coincidentally seated in front of Shichiro, him and Mark can't stop watching her. "Hm..." In her shyness, She gulped and accidentally let out a moan, causing her to blush even more. "What the..." Mark, and also the rest of them, heard her. Shichiro, Maeru and Mark also knew what's going on. But Maeru pretended not to. "Is something wrong?" She asked to Mariko. "Huh?!" Mariko shouted at her. "U-Uh... Is something wrong, I said?" Maeru was a little bit surprised.

"N-No! Don't worry! Ahaha... I'm just... not fond of this loud sounds..." Mariko gave an excuse. "But you were fine until n-" "And I guess it was cold outside, I think I got a little bit of the cold!" Chiho was speaking but Mariko raised her voice against her. Shichiro sighed. "That's too bad, isn't it?" Shichiro said. "Y-Yeah..." Mariko looked at him, she regretted lying to them. "Well. Want me to lead you to our infirmary? It's quiet there right now so you might get scared to go alone..." Shichiro smiled. "H-Huh?! W-What are you-!" Mariko panicked for a second, about to leave her seat. Shichiro held his laughter as he placed his arms on the table and hid his face, where he then let it out with a muffled voice. His shoulders were visibly shaking, showing his laughter. "Geez, Shichiro..." Maeru sighed. "...!" Mariko sat down with her clenched fists, then faced Takumi, who was still talking about the decorations. "You did this on purpose, did you?!" Mariko grabbed Takumi by her collar. "Y-Yeah. I mean, we wanted them jewelries for those holders of those fur-like designs, so..." Takumi answered. "Not... Not that!" Mariko got annoyed that she thought she was just pretending to not know of the situation. "Mariko?" Yagano, who was listening to Takumi, got curious. It was rather a horrible day than a happy celebration for Mariko, or at least that what she thought.

They spent the whole time conversing with each other while munching down foods. They felt like the chatter of the people around them will never end, as they never run out of topic. As time started to arrive. Shichiro excused himself from their seat and went in front of the counter. As soon as he carried a microphone with him, the loud music slowly stopped. The light around the whole tables started to dim, except to Shichiro's spot, which brought the people's attention to him. As soon as the room became quiet. Shichiro started speaking with his microphone. "Good evening, People of Ekigatamura, Tsuchiyans, Saijuns, Kosuns, Chu-Yuans, Yugaran, Soman and Jiman people! Thank you for arriving and attending this party of ours! Right now we have one minute before the day of the next year arrive!" The people cheered and clapped at his announcement. "We all know we had our deadliest conflict for a long time. But we were able to find peace! So let us forget those memories and let it be the greatest history of this world! So as your new friend and ally, We'll celebrate the new year's arrival together!" He said and the people cheered again.

"How long has it been, huh?" Maeru pondered as he watches Shichiro speaks in front of many people. "It's been a crazy ride with you, you goddamn Prohorovkans..." Chiho sighed with a smile. "Yeah, you fucks are the weirdest yet strongest enemies we have fought... Can't believe we made it out alive..." Mariko said. "But... Without the help of your 'reincarnation' power, I don't think there will be peace at all..." Chiho said. "Hm..." Maeru nodded. They all stared at Shichiro. Before they realized.

"Ten! Nine! Eight...!" The countdown started and the people started to count along. The lights turned off completely as the roof slowly opened. "Wow!" Ayumi was the first to react then the rest of the people. "-Four! Three! Two! One!" As their countdown finished, they all cheered and yelled the happy new year. Right after that, The tanks and the AT guns from the outside started launching the fire works on the sky above the cafeteria. The room was brightened by the different colors of the fireworks and their different types of explosions. As the fireworks display ended, they continued their party for a little bit longer. After that, the people started to get less and lesser, the Prohorovkans were giving out some foods and desserts for the people as they leave the base.

Happy New Year!!! 2020 is here!!! 2019's been a blast! whew! I wished I spent more time in this novel >: But that's alright!

Here's a little chapter so I can say Happy New Year in this website xD I intended this chapter as a spin-off or something for the new year (cuz I felt happy, happened to have a great moment :>) which doesn't connect to the actual story. So... Yeah! Let us enter a new decade! (Dunno what im saying tbh)

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