
Chained Sickle and Axes!

Mariko first wanted to tell them about the words she remembered. "You know! I actually managed to get some of the words they have said!" She proudly told them. "Really?! Go on, Then!" Ayumi became even more excited, Chiho couldn't also wait. "Как тебя зовут! (Kak tebya zovut!)" Mariko said the first thing she remembered. "It means 'What is your name'!" Mariko translated the word in excitement. "Ooh! How did you know the meaning?!" Ayumi asked. "Takumi translated for me" Mariko looked at her to answer. The two repeated the word, Mariko didn't like how they pronounce the 'zovut' but She let it go. "Then we have.. Ты к нам присоединишься.. (Ty k'nam prisoyedinish'sya.. I think this one is about asking to join with you, to your team or something..." Mariko didn't got the full translation of the word at that time, She only remembered Takumi translating it. "Amazing... How can you remember all these?" Chiho asked in amazement, Mariko laughed, proud of herself. "I'm good at remembering things! It's like, My special ability, you know?" Mariko thought of more words while she talked. "Let's see... T-There's one more that Takumi didn't translate for me.. It's красивое.. и..имя? (krasivoye.. i..imya?) Takumi didn't even react to it.." She tried to make some guess on her thoughts. "When did they say that?" Chiho asked. "Um... When i told her my name, She answered with that.." Mariko answered. "Maybe that's her name?" Ayumi guessed. "I don't know.. But it sounds odd to be a name, to be honest.." Mariko thought of being called by it. "It's sounds weird.." She disagree that it's a name. "What do you know about them? They might have names that is different than ours!" Ayumi looked at the ceiling. "Since they talk in different language, They might have different naming style too!" She said. "Well, That's possible.." Mariko spoke as She thinks. "Still.. It sounds weird.." She still hates it. "Their leader is a girl, right? Imya.. Imya sounds girlish for me!" Ayumi raised her body and looked at Mariko. "Imya? No, it's not.. It doesn't sound a person.." Mariko objected. "It is! Imya-chan!" Ayumi said with a smile, Making Chiho giggle on her bed.

"Damn, I'm telling you, it sounds awful.. But if it's really her name, Then her parents must have hate her" Mariko really dislikes the thought. "You're so mean!" Ayumi laughed at her words. "W-What's so funny? I really mean it.." Mariko asked but Ayumi just continued laughing. She remained quiet until Ayumi calmed down. "I don't know why you laughed at that, But i'm not just going to call her that, if it's not her real name i would just look dumb.." Mariko shrugged lightly. "If it's not a name, Then it might be..." Chiho guessed. "Yeah, you know it.. It's a sentence, whether about how She disliked or liked my name, Or If She has the same name or her parents'.." Mariko's certain about her guess. "Who would have a name like yours?" Ayumi asked. "Was that a compliment?" Mariko looked at her. "No, An Insult, Dummy.." Ayumi whispered, Mariko sighed. "Alright, What else.. Ah!" She thought of something else, then She got something. "Takumi told me a shit ton of information about them, They're crazy!" Mariko can't wait to tell them. "About those Prohorovkans?" Chiho asked with a serious tone. "Y-Yeah, i guess.. Is that how they're called again? I'm surprised you remembered such a long name.." Mariko thought of the name. "They are called the PTRD, Or Prohorovka To..Trovishka Revoir.... Demolition.. It's the name of their organization, They call themselves Prohovkans..." Despite Chiho's mistake at saying the name, She remained serious. "Prohorovka, huh.. Trovishka.. Revoir? Demolition.. or PTRD.. What the fuck are those names..?" Mariko got a mixed feeling of confusion and terrify. "Damn Prohorovkans.." Chiho whispered, The two looked over to her to see her mad. "Yeah! Those Pro-whatever is going to have it!" Ayumi clenched her right fist and raised it up. "We'll bring back Tsuchiya! Our proud village! We'll fight 'till our last breath! For our country, for our lands and people! We'll stand!" She acted like a patriot. "Damn, Ayumi.. That's something everyone would like to hear from their soldiers, Even i was encouraged by those words!" Mariko laughed. "Well, I AM a soldier! You'll make me, right?" Ayumi asked. "H-Huh? What do you mean.." Mariko asked but She saw Ayumi's face gradually turn emotionless. "Y-Yeah, I'll train you or something, Geez.. Chiho, You heard her, She really likes it.." Mariko looked over to her, But Chiho remained silent.

"Don't be sad, Onee-chan! We have a village to protect!" Ayumi still talked with the same patriotic way, Which cracked Chiho's silence and giggled. "Geez.... I really don't know what to say, I'm just still worried.." She weakly smiled while looking at the ceiling. "And it's too late for you to change my mind! You showed me how you chop off that man's head! Right, Mariko-san?" Ayumi looked at Mariko, She caught her staring at Chiho. "A-Ah? O-Oh.. Yeah, i guess.." She was staring too much that she didn't got to react quick, Ayumi pouted as she knows that she didn't hear her question properly. "L-Let's not turn ourselves down with this particular topic.. I have more to tell, to be honest" Mariko thinks as the two remained quiet, waiting for her to say something. "So.. I bet you know that they are 'not' from this world, right?" Mariko asked. "Hm! Hm!" Ayumi nods twice, excited to listen. "Alright... First time that came into my mind is, When they get killed on this world, They'll be bought back to their.. Base, i guess.. Back to their world" Mariko told them about the reviving part. "N-Necromancy?! Scary!" Ayumi gave Mariko a terrified look. "I-I don't think that's a certain Necromancy, given that they have these weird-ass tech-o-nology!" Mariko disagreed on Ayumi's thought. "S-So they can even bring back the death? And it's a technology, not a sorcery?" Chiho thought of the possibilities. "Hey, I'm not saying that it's really their techno, alright? I'm just predicting too.." Mariko made clear of herself. "Wait.. If they can bring back their fallen allies, Then they'll just keep coming back at us!" Mariko thinks of the hopeless war. "They'll just-!" Mariko's about to continue but She saw how Ayumi was terrified. "B-But we'll still kick them hard asses, right?" She asked but Ayumi didn't say anything, making her scratch her head. "aside from being bought back to life.. Takumi-idiot also mentioned that..." Mariko was about to tell them about the intentional desertion part, But She thought it'll be cool if she play along and don't tell them about it. "Mentioned what?" Ayumi asked. "That.. um.. " Mariko thinks of something else.

"U-Um.. " Mariko also wanted to play along with the 'looking for the hero' part so She didn't told them that. "Um.. I will really train you hard, Chiho!" She said, surprising the two at the sudden change of topic. "S-She told me that them Proharovkyans really have a strong intention of conquering the world! So, We must help our soldiers to fight, right? Ayumi-chan?!" Mariko's swift words effectively moved them to that topic. "Yeah! Pfft.." Ayumi nodded and snickered. "Proharov..KYAN!" She shouted. "H-Hey.. I can't remember the name properly, so i made up some letters.." Mariko looked at her. "Fuhehe..." Ayumi giggled. "I don't get what's so funny about what i'm saying.." Mariko sighed. "I think Ayumi-chan thinks you are joking sometimes. I, Too, also thinks you do.. Like when you said that, that Prohorovkan girl wasn't loved by her parents and was given an ugly name.." Chiho explained, There was a hint of giggling when she mentioned what she had said. "It's not a joke if i didn't laugh.." Mariko seems irritated. "Whatever.. Let's move on.." She thought of something. "Alright-" A knock from the door interrupted her, Chiho moved towards the door and opened it a bit. "Yes?" Chiho peeked through the gap and asked the soldier standing on the other side. "Chiho-san, Gentaro-sama wished to say to you that you should always be aware of your things, That's all" The soldier didn't gave a time for Chiho to even react and quickly turned to leave. She remained there for two second to think before closing the door.

"What happened? You missed something?" Mariko heard the soldier and asked Chiho about it. "I don't know, I have everything with me.." Chiho looked worried. "It's not my gun..." Then She suddenly froze. "H-Hey, What now?" Mariko raised her body. "Ayumi! The vehicle we used to go outside!" Chiho shouted. "Waah! I also forgot!" Ayumi quickly stood up from the bed. "Hey, care to explain?" Mariko looked at them both. "When we met you! We used a vehicle on our way there!" Ayumi shouted at her. "And now you forgot it?" Mariko asked, Ayumi nods twice. "Of all things, why would you forget your ride?" She asked again. "I-I guess i parked it far enough for me to remember" Chiho held her cheeks. "Anyway, i have to go to Gentaro-san!" Chiho ran outside. "Wait!" Ayumi also ran to go with her. "Geez, those two.." Mariko slowly stood up from the bed, went outside and closed the door without locking it. She slowly walked downstairs. On the first floor, Mariko stopped by Suzuka's spot. "It seems like the two is in hurry" Suzuka said while looking at the door. "A soldier asked for your room, He said Gentaro-sama has a word for Chiho-san" She looked at Mariko. "Yeah, that made them running" Mariko nodded. "Are you going with them?" Suzuka asked. "Yeah, can't find anything else to do.." Mariko sighed. " Then, Take care" Suzuka responded as Mariko walked to the door and goes out.

She looked to the left. "Though, I ain't running, screw that" She took a deep breath and started walking. Upon reaching the Center, The vast amount of people and the noisy atmosphere she hated greets her. She just sighed and walked with her heads down. Few seconds, Mariko saw an old man looking at her. "Hey, kid. Getting inside this village, no easy job. So let's do business fair, yes?" He smiled at Mariko. She stopped to observe him, She can already tell the man by his hood that he is one of those mysterious dealers selling weird or sometimes illegal stuff. He also had the aura of one. "I see you before, Violent girl, Blood on axes, is scary.. That's why!" The old man took out a pair of new-looking butterfly sword. "I sell you, This! .. Is very reliable! Easy swing! made from stolen Chuyuan resources! Everyone wants it! For Two fifty gold!" He proudly grips the swords. "Looks shit.. This shit is stolen? What a crap to steal.. And it even cost two fucking fifty gold? I can buy ton shit of foods that cost few silvers!" Mariko didn't liked the sword. "Hey, no! Is good stuff! Use two sword against one, you know?" The man became upset that he didn't get her liking. "Nah, You wouldn't need two if you know how to swing with just one" Mariko crossed her arms. "Hmm.. Okay, i see.. I come back again, bring you one sword only, You'll like.." The man hid back the swords. "No, don't come back" She said. "Ho! You see other stuff! I come back again and you'll like for sure!" The man laughed as He walked away.

"... What a weirdo, Hope he get caught right away" Mariko started walking again, But it didn't take long before she saw Chiho driving a motorcycle with Ayumi on its sidecar. "Whoa, shit! You forgot that thing?!" Seeing the R37 got her blood running. "Hey, Chiho!" She called out. Chiho heard her and drove closer and stopped. "Goddamn! This is the thing you forgot?! The fuck you doing?!" She asked while circling on the R37, looking at every details. She stopped to look at Chiho. "Can i drive?!" She excitedly asked. "Sure, But let's move away from here, there's a lot of people here.." Chiho weakly answered. Mariko hops in behind Chiho and they proceed to move out of the Center. On the way out, "Hey, Why do you look so down?" Mariko asked. "I really hate myself.." Chiho used her left hand to scratch her head. "I could have lost this beautiful thing.." She said. "It's your fault! You always forget!" Ayumi shouted from the sidecar. "Shut up!" Chiho revved up the engine and wildly shook the steerings, Shaking Ayumi on her seat. "W-Waah!" Mariko grinned as she watched Ayumi scream and held into the sidecar tightly.

"You also forgot about it! Don't be a big talk!" Chiho shouted. "Still! It's you who's driving it!" Ayumi fought back. "So, It's both your fault?" Mariko butts in. "Shut up!" The two shouted at the same time. "E-Eh..." Mariko was surprised at their chorus. Once they got out of the Center, People became less, Chiho stopped the R37 and stepped out. "Alright, You can drive now" She told Mariko. "Oh shit.." Mariko slides herself forward and Chiho took her seat. She explained everything to Mariko, And She slowly managed to get used on driving it. "Damn! This feels so good!" Mariko shouted. "Unlike that flying thing, This one is smooth!" She laughed as she build up speed. "We're nearly there, So don't go any faster.." Chiho said. "Aww.." Mariko then decreased their speed. "Hey, Where did you get this?" She asked as she looked at the mounted MG. "We got it from our village, we used this to get out from the walls" Chiho explained. "Talking about your village.. Why isn't these Saijuns are taking action on your village?" Mariko asked. "Are they not helping?" Ayumi asked from the sidecar. "Well, I'm not hearing a single word about it.." Mariko answered. "I know right, We get to talk to Gentaro-san, but we didn't hear a single word about retaking our village.." Chiho thinks deep. "Isn't that weird? I thought you, these Saijuns and the Kosun had an alliance?" Mariko said. "Maybe the Kosun are helping us right now?" Ayumi guessed. "That can be possible, We just don't get any words, i guess.." Mariko agreed. "I think it's because the enemies is far stronger than us? I think Gentaro-san is just preparing, He asked me to tell him everything i know about them anyway..." Chiho assumed. "Huh, Make sense, i guess.." Driving slow, Mariko thought of something to ask again. "Oh yeah.. How about your parents? Where's your father?" She asked. "F-Father?!" Chiho remembered that a certain soldier came for her father back to their village. "I-I'm not sure.." She weakly answered. "A-Ah, Sorry for as-" "No! Someone is going there to see for themselves! We are not sure yet!" Mariko was about to apologize but Chiho interrupted her. "Is that so? That's good, i guess.." Mariko had enough and decided to stop asking. "Hey, Onee-chan.. Now that we know that your father is that hero, What are you going to going to do when you meet him now?" Ayumi asked. Chiho couldn't respond for a second, looking for the right answer. "I don't know... It's not like i'm going to be mad, though..." Chiho really wants to give an answer.

"I guess.. I.. I will just talk to him, just the two of us.." Chiho answered with low voice. "What? You ain't going to, like, ask him if it's true?" Mariko looked over her shoulder. "That's what i mean, I have many things to talk about with him..." Chiho looked up to the sky. Then They became silent, though they quickly arrived in the inn and went up to their room. As always, They laid down to their beds. Instead of Ayumi, Mariko threw herself down to the bed this time. "Alright, Where were we?" Mariko took a deep breath and start thinking. "Oh, by the way, Chiho.." She looked at Chiho. "Yes?" Chiho looked back. "Um.. Try not to be so forgetful starting tomorrow, will you? You might have problems on your training" Mariko said, Her words made Chiho blush hard. "I-I will! .. By the way, You keep telling us about training.. But you haven't even started yet.." Chiho thinks. "Oh.. Yeah, We can start tomorrow.. So try to be attentive and aware at all times from now on.." Mariko promised them a training tomorrow. "I AM always attentive! It's Gentaro-san's fault for asking us to have a ride back..." Chiho looked away. "Hey, That's not good.. Blaming someone who's just being kind, when you're actually inattentive.." Mariko said. "I am attentive...." Chiho spoke with low voice and pouts. Seeing her pout, Ayumi giggled. "Onee-chan can be so childish sometimes.." She said. "Heh, Yeah.. You still wants some information? I think i still have something to tell you..." Mariko changed the topic, Ayumi turned to her to give that she's interested again. "About them Pros... " Mariko hid all of the important things she know about PTRD, So she can't think of anything else. "Uh... I-I guess i told you everything.." She sighed. "What?! I thought you told us that Takumi-san told you a sh-!" "Yeah, Yeah! Fine!" Mariko raised her voice higher to interrupt Ayumi's whine. She thought of giving away something, with a little lie. "Takumi said that i should keep this secret, But They're looking for someone who will become strong and fight them.." Mariko told them, This bought Chiho's attention. "I guess they wanted a little challenge for themselves, That's why i'm going to train you hard Chiho!" She continued. "I will give them everything i got.. I will destroy them.. Damn Prohorovkans.." Chiho whispered.

Mariko smiled upon hearing her. "Your strong desire to fight them will be so goddamn useful on your training.." She said, The two looked at her. "Unlike those common fresh soldiers, They think nothing but to worry about dying in the battlefield, without even thinking of killing their enemies" She continued. "You lose your composure as you overthink, You're not calm... If you're not thinking properly, You're hugging your own death... Imagine being calm and was able to read your foe's mind without even trying, Being calm have a huge advantage" She continued further. "Wait, You're talking about a duel! How about a large scale battle, like, On an open field?! Where there is just too many enemies!" Ayumi asked. "What? It's the same! You keep calm and hit your enemies! Remember that there are many enemies in front of you, so you have to focus on your targets and don't let your mind waver!" Mariko answered. "Also remember that you have allies in your side, so being reckless and swinging your weapon without using your head can lead to you killing your own team" She continued. "Yeah! Okay! I understand! I will be careful!" Ayumi nods with determination, Though Mariko was confused. "Isn't that Chiho's line? Why is the daughter of the hero is so quiet on the corner?" She looked at Chiho. "I'm not as noisy as Ayumi-chan... I know everything you said, you know.." Chiho answered. "Y-Yeah.. That's what i thought.." Mariko looked away, scratching her head. "Oh, yeah!" Mariko suddenly stood up from the bed, surprising the two. "How are we going to train tomorrow without a proper amount of weapons? Let's go buy some, right now!" Despite Mariko's cheerful suggestion, The two didn't give any reaction. "But we left our money back in our village. They're probably burnt right now.." Ayumi answered. "Y-Yeah, i didn't think about that.." Mariko was about to lie down again but Chiho also stood up. "Maybe we can borrow from Gentaro-san?" She guessed.

"Oh? The leader? That might work.." Mariko thought of Gentaro's words about Chiho. "He can lend us some weapons!" Chiho suddenly gets excited. "Yeah! Come on, Let's go!" They all became excited in the second and quickly locked their room on their way out. "My! Going out again?" Suzuka saw them walking towards her from the hall. "You sure are busy, huh?" She rests her right palm to her cheeks. "Yeah.. There's a war going on, we can't just relax here.." Mariko gave a direct answer. "Y-Yeah, that's right.." Suzuka watched them walked out. "Must be a tough job for Chiho-san to be moving all day.." Suzuka said to herself. "But She have Mariko-san with her! I'm sure she'll bring her northern charm with Chiho!" Haruki went out of her bar with two glasses of beer on both of her hands. "Geez, Haru.. When did you get so obsessed about the north?" Suzuka tried to think of ever talking about the north with Her.

The three rides the R37 parked by the side of the Inn. Mariko wanted to be the driver but Chiho didn't allowed her. "Hmph! You selfish.." Mariko pouted on the back seat. "We are going to the Center, I don't want any trouble.." Chiho said as She starts the R37. The engine's sound hyped Mariko even more. "Hey, At least let me drive until before reaching the Centra-..Center!" She lightly shook Chiho. "No. I don't want to stop again to change seat" Chiho still didn't allowed her. "Fine.. Ayumi, let's change seat" Mariko gave up on driving, She looked down to Ayumi. "No!" Ayumi kicked and looked away. "Hey! Come on! You've sat there before! Let me sit there too!" Mariko insisted. "I might fall from there!" Ayumi whined. "Yeah, She might fall from here" Chiho backed her up. "Goddamn it.. Fine.." Mariko had enough and crossed her arms, Then They proceeded to the Center with their R37. On the Center.. "Oh, Yeah.. By the way.. An old man offered me a sword from Chuyuan, cost two fifty golds!" Mariko mentioned the dealer. "Whoa! Expensive!" Ayumi looked up to Mariko. "That's very expensive.. Did it look good or something?" Chiho asked. "Well.. I'm going to admit, it looks good but it's short and i don't feel like using those at all.." Mariko laid her disliking. "I could change my mind a little bit if it's longer.. Such wasted design for short-ass blade.." She continued. "T-There are people who's great at wielding short swords!" Chiho said. "I don't care.. I can swing my axes down to them before they can reach me with their swords.." .. They argue about short sword wielder against longer swords wielder on the rest of their trip. If they see some weapons, They will come and see it. But after some hours, They couldn't get a proper one. In the end, It was Mariko's taste that the two followed instead of their own, so they really had a hard time picking one. Luckily, when they got to talk with Gentaro, He was able to lend them some weapons that Mariko liked.

It was already about to turn evening, around five, to be exact. Finally got their preferred weapons for them to use, They now head back to the Inn. On the way there, Ayumi checked the weapons they got, it's on the sidecar. She's holding the long axes up while a chain sickle rests on the floor of the sidecar. "What's mine?! What's mine?!" She excitedly asked. "I think i should use the one with the chains, It looks very dangerous.." Chiho answered. "Nah, I don't think she can throw a strike with that long-ass axes.. She should use the chained one" Mariko looked at the chained sickle. As the name says, It is a chained sickle, A chain is attached on a sickle with a spiked ball on the other end. It was long enough to hit an enemy from safe range. After observing the chained sickle, She looked at the long axes. The long axes was, indeed, longer axes.. Longer than Mariko's. "That long axe's beautiful, Chiho.. I really wanted to see you someday rocking with that weapon, busting some Pro's asses.." Mariko smiled at the thought. "You really love axes', don't you Mariko-san?" Chiho looked at the long axes Ayumi was carrying. "Yeah, I think they deal the heaviest hit on enemies. You can even behead an enemy on the run!" Mariko laughed. "Also, i found out a very nice move that i liked. It's hard to pull the trick. You throw the blade on your foes' shoulder, Make sure you hit their bone so you can use them to pull them closer to you, then you can perform any awesome close-ranged moves you got!" She happily mentioned her 'favorite move'. "I will teach you some tomorrow" She tapped Chiho's back. "Yeah, I can't wait!" Chiho cheerfully answered. "Hey! How about mine?! It's one of those farmer tools! So unfair!" Ayumi whined while looking at the sickle.

"Hey, I saw many of the farmers' sickles and that one is the sharpest so far" Mariko looked at the sickle. "Look at that! It's even shorter than a normal sickle!" She gestured to Ayumi to take it to her, Ayumi did picked it up by the sickle, once Mariko got it, She held the chains up for Mariko to take it as well. "This one looks sick! This is the first time i ever hold one!" Mariko held it by the chains and spun the sickle up in the air. The whirling noise and the chains made Chiho look back. "Mariko-san!" She quickly lowered her head in a second she saw her spinning the sickle. "Stop that!" She panicked. "Calm down~!" Mariko stopped it by catching the sickle. "Don't ever do that again here!" Chiho scolded Mariko. "Yeees~" She answered, Then She looked to Ayumi. "Well? How's that? Can you handle this one?" Mariko asked her, Ayumi was staring at her for a second before gasping hard. "No way!" Her answer made Mariko giggle. "Chiho will use the long axe, my axes is mine, so it's yours.. You can do it!" Mariko encouraged her then throws the chained sickle to the ground of the sidecar. "Hey!" Ayumi moved her feet away from the chained sickle. "What? It's far away from you!" Mariko laughed. Ayumi fought with Mariko with the rest of their trip.

Once they reached the inn, Chiho parked their R37 in the side again and left it there. They carried their weapons inside the inn, The chains make noises as Ayumi walks, getting the attention of the people inside. "Welcome back.. Make sure to keep those weapons safe" As usual, Suzuka greets them. "Yeah, Sorry for these! We had to get them since we'll be doing training tomorrow.. We got these from Gentaro-san, by the way" Mariko used Gentaro's name to ease her up. Suzuka nodded on them and they proceeded to their room. Once they settled down for some rest, They laid on their beds. "Hey, Hey! How are you going to train us tomorrow?" Ayumi happily asked. "Oh.. Come to think of it.. You.. just kinda have to practice to throw your weapons.." Mariko looked at the ceiling. "Throw?" Ayumi asked. "I mean.. use them against enemies.. I'm not a good instructor.." Mariko scratched her head. "Well.. You're going to watch us use our weapons, then you tell us if we're doing it wrong so we can do better.." Chiho suggested. "Then! When we are used to them, I want you to a sparring with me!" Chiho happily continued. "Sparring, you said?! Hell yeah! Let's do it!" Mariko's excitement kind of scared the two a little bit. "J-Just be easy on us.. By the way, Have you killed someone?" Chiho curiously asked. "Yeah, tons of 'em.. Mostly bandits, those stupid fucks who doesn't live inside a village or a country.." Mariko answered. "I..I see.. Please go easy on us.." Chiho curled up on her bed. "Don't worry~! I know how to hold back!" Mariko eased them up. "Plus, If Ayumi-chan gets to used to throw the chained sickle, She will have a great advantage against me.. So do your best okay?" Despite Ayumi's size, Mariko still wanted her to learn to use the chained sickle, She patted her head. "Yes! I will!" Ayumi happily nodded.

"Ayumi-chan" Chiho called her with soft voice, Ayumi looked at her. "I... Just be careful when you're using those okay?" Chiho was still worried. Seeing her, Mariko also laid her worries. "I know right.. You can hurt yourself if you're not careful.." She said. Ayumi were about to be down but she resisted. "Don't worry! I will be careful! I will also do my best!" Ayumi smiled with determination. "Hah.. We'll be the one to witness the very first chained sickle-wielding kid!" Mariko laughed, Chiho brushed off her worries a bit and giggled. After that, they stayed silent. But Ayumi quickly raised herself. "W-We're sleeping now?! It's still early!" She whined, Chiho also noticed this. "Well.. I want you to wake up the same time as i do" Mariko said. "Why!" Ayumi asked. "Because! I want you to get used to throwing some hits with your weapons, Then! When the sun rises, We'll be doing sparring!" Mariko excitedly answered. "No..." Ayumi gave a defeated tone and let her back fall to the bed. "Come on! You'll finally be able to fight!" Mariko lightly punched Ayumi's arm. "Ow!" Despite the tease-like punches, It still hurts for her. "Damn, I'm not even punching you for real.. How if a real enemy punched you in the face? You'll be sleeping in no time.." Mariko mocked her weakness. "No! I just said that! It's not like it hurts at all!" Ayumi lied. "Heh, You say that.. It's completely normal for a kid to get hurt easily.." Mariko giggled. "No! I will get used to being hurt! You'll see!" Ayumi turned her back against Mariko, Then She saw Chiho smiling at her, resulting her to grin.

"Heh.. You better be.. I will be giving you hell tomorrow, since you have the long range weapon.." Mariko then closed her eyes. The two said their good nights, Ayumi was also about to turn to Mariko, but She was already sleeping. Then They slept earlier in preparation for tomorrow.

Sparring with a real sharp weapons.. Nothing would go wrong, right? ;) Training equipment are still not discovered for them and they have no trouble of using real weapons, so..

Next chapter will be their training, for real. I'm kinda excited to write about it, But don't expect much! xD

Keetrixcreators' thoughts
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