
Our Hearts Beat For Anne

Author: Maryjane0810
Ongoing · 44.7K Views
  • 8 Chs
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Anne A 21-years-old student. Anne is beautiful, smart, bold but clumsy. She is someone that accepts people for who they are, and always finds ways to bring out the best in people. She stands for what she believes is right, and would go out of her way to make people feel better. She meets the two brothers Vincent and Andrew and falls in love with one of them, but circumstances wouldn’t allow her to be with him. She either causes a rift or leaves entirely. Andrew A 24-years-old music artist, and a younger brother to Vincent. He is jovial, playful, and fun-loving but also stubborn. He is an emotional being who used rebellion as the only way to remain sane. But once he meets Anne after an almost fatal mistake, he realizes his worth and subsequently falls in love with the lady that brings out the best in him. Vincent A 26 years old medical doctor. He is calm and reserved. Asides from his brother, everyone else believes he is an uptight individual who has no emotions whatsoever. Anne believed this too, not until she gets close to him and realizes that he is also human. He is someone that immensely loves his brother and would give up anything for him. His love is put to test when he is faced with choosing between his brother and the woman of his dreams. Sneak peek! He pushed me gently against the door and covered my mouth with his. I moaned, raising my arms to encircle his neck. I kissed him back. "Anne, I'm in love with you," he whispered sending shivers down my entire body. He left my lips to my neck, placing gentle kisses on my skin, biting softly as he made his way down to my chest. I arched my body so I could get more. He raised me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed and laid me there, with him on top of me, putting his lips back on mine. This shouldn't be happening, but it was and I didn't want it to stop.

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Chapter 1Almost Fatal

Anne's pov

I stepped out of the reading hall with my fading lantern. The sky was cloudy and starless, creating ominous darkness. I found it very creepy.

I continued down the few flights of stairs gripping tightly to my lantern straining my eyes to see clearly. It tugged on my mind to go back and wait for my fellow hypers (nerds) whom I could walk with but my brain and body were exhausted from too much reading and little sleep that I ignored the thought.

Night class was a part of me. It was a thing we did around here. You know, studying at night away from our hostels and comfy beds. I've been doing it since my 100level, and now in my 300level in the university studying medical laboratory science, I couldn't stay a day without going. It's like my body had programmed itself because all the time I tried reading in the hostel, I ended up sleeping. I might as well blame the cozy bed that kept attracting me to lie on it.

Well, the thing is, I go to 'night class' with my friends and coursemates most of the time. I go alone on very few occasions and this night was one of them.

My hostel wasn't that far off so I thought that if I hurried, I would reach my room and my bed in no time. Wow, just the thought of it made me happy.

There were no street lights on the road I was walking on because well, the reading hall was situated in an underdeveloped surrounding or as we called it 'sambisa forest.' But the adjacent road leading to my hostel was lighted. I had to make it there.

Two silhouettes were coming from the opposite direction and from what I could make out, one was staggering and the other who seemed taller was supporting him (guessed they were guys). 'Drunks.' I thought. I quickened my steps so I could make it to the light, literally. I didn't realize I was holding my breath when they were close until I started gasping for air.

I exhaled loudly when they finally passed. "Crises averted," I whispered to myself. But, I rejoiced too early because almost immediately, I felt a hand cover my mouth and another grip my arm.

My heart sank, "oh my God, this is not happening!" I struggled to free my hands to no avail. Another set of hands grabbed my waist and I was dragged towards the bushes away from civilization.

I kept on trying to scream but they were muffled by the hand covering my mouth. "Stop squirming princess." I heard one of the delinquents say.

I was violently shoved to the ground and I felt sharp grasses pierce my skin. The hand covering my mouth momentarily left it. I shrieked so loudly but it was cut short when one of them, the taller one, slapped me across my face almost knocking me out.

My vision blurred. I shook my head vigorously to stop the dizziness.

I kept on struggling and kicking as they made their way, tugging and ripping roughly on my clothes.

One of them climbed on top of me straddling me and the other held my hands with one of his securing it under his knees, where it crushed away on my veins, while his other hand was still placed over my mouth.

"Wow, she's such a tiger," the one holding my hands drooled lustfully as his drunk counterpart worked sluggishly unbuttoning my jeans.

He ripped the big shirt I had on, exposing my stomach, then pounded his face against my stomach sniffling and licking on my skin. The next thing he did was grab my boobs and began fondling them.

"They're small but perky," the guy on top of me slurred again.

"Dude! get on with it already so I can have my turn," the guy holding my arm hissed angrily.

I didn't know how I did it but I managed to free one of my hands from the guy holding it down over my head. Working quickly, I searched and searched for anything I could use as a weapon.

My hand landed on something the shape of a hard stick. I grabbed it and began flinging blindly, aiming at nothing and everything.

In my bid to save myself, the stick came in contact with something soft and I pushed it further into whatever it was.

Liquid gushed from the place the stick punctured, and splattered all over my face.

Time stood still. Although I guess it was my imagination. The guy on top of me screamed, holding his neck. He fell off me to the ground beside me writhing in pain while his friend stood abruptly, shocked by the sudden turn of events.

I sprung to my feet and dashed across the bush, making my way to the road.

I heard footsteps behind me, "he is chasing me! God, I'm dead!" The footsteps caught up with me and went past me causing me to momentarily falter. The dude kept on running until he disappeared around the bend. He had left his partner behind.

I made it to the gates of my hostel, entered, and exhaled shaky breaths. "Thank you, Lord."

My whole body started shivering. My head pounded against my eyes while my teeth couldn't stop chattering.

My mind was in chaos because I was finding it difficult to wrap around what happened.

I was going to be raped. Like seriously! They wanted to rape me. This was something I heard in the news, and on social media, but never for once could I believe I would be faced with such a scenario.

"Oh, God! I stabbed that guy."

I searched around, but there was no one in sight. Not even the security that usually stayed at the hostel gate was available. The guy was bleeding out down there if he hadn't died already.

I stared at my bloody hands and for a split second, the thought of going into my hostel, taking a long hot bath, dive into my bed and pretend everything was a giant nightmare seemed like the best move. But then it occurred to me that I would be killing someone if I didn't do anything.

I began pacing up and down, partially waiting for someone to come around. I was scared. I wanted to scream and alert the whole building, but then I didn't want to be associated with the predicament I was in.

Amidst the whole fogginess and confusion, I could still make out that tiny part at the back of my head that kept on telling me to go back before it was too late. I could administer first-aid right? then call for help afterward.

"It's official, I'm going crazy," I muttered to myself. I'm still trying to understand everything and my stupid head is telling me to turn around.

What if he wasn't dead?

What if he wasn't that hurt, and was actually pissed, sitting there in the bushes, waiting for me?

But his partner ran off, right? It could only mean things had gone downhill right?

I took a huge deep breath and sprinted back to where I ran from.

"I have a death wish."

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