
Can we be friends?

Tang Xi stops him "Wait! I am fine!". She almost whispers not to disturb sleeping Jing.

Tianxian looks at her fine already and nods.

Tang Xi asks "Can you tell me how did you escape that day? I heard gunshots!!".

Tianxian nods and sits beside her in a chair.

He sighs and takes a look at Lu Cheng who was sleeping. He says "Thank you Miss.Tang. I never got a chance to say this...and I am so-".

Tang Xi whines "Cut the crap!! Just come to the point!!".

Tianxian almost laughed 'Why is she behaving like a little girl?'.

He says "I was shot and jumped in to river to escape".

Tang Xi gasps closing her mouth "No wonder you didn't talk after that".

Tianxian nods and asks "How did you escaped that day?".

Tang Xi proudly announced "By Ship!! You know what? I almost changed 5 ships while escaping!!".

Tianxian almost melted in her cute giggles now.

Damn !! Why am I staring at her!!?.

Tang Xi looks at him and asks "Can we be friends?".

Tianxian stunned "What?!". Are you kidding me? I am your husband's ASSISTANT!!

She nods "You heard me!".

Tianxian was taken aback "Miss Tang ..but I am an assistant..how can-".

Tang Xi whines " What's with assistant? Its is your profession!! I really like to be friend with you!".

She never saw any loyal person in her life like him. He almost died while saving her and Jing that day. If he wanted he could have betrayed us but he didn't do that.

After thinking of her life he is the only loyal person ever she met!!.

Tianxian nods reluctantly "But I can't call you by your name..".

She stares him "Do I look like an arrogant lady?".

Tianxian stunned "No!".

She sighs pleading. "Then why are you calling me like that...See I have only you as my friend ...I have others too..but you are the one and only near me..I trust you".

Tianxian laughs "You trust me?".

She nods " You are the one gave me clues to escape that day!! Remember?".

Tianxian gasps "You actually found the clue!?".

She laughs "Why wouldn't I? You deliberately stressed those words!! How can I be dumb!!?".

He shook his head "I just thought you wouldn't notice...and would die in vain.." and thinks something.

"Cough !!".

Lu Cheng woke up and looks at them staring each other.

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