
I don't have a daughter

Tianxian looks at Lu Cheng's hand and worries. 'The wound still didn't healed'.

He gets scared thinking Feng's words and decides to help him. He arranges two men to pick the documents related to the accident that happened 3 years ago.

He sees Lu Cheng busy in meeting and gets shocked to see Qin Xuan walking towards him. She walked elegantly and asks nonchalantly "Is Young Master busy?".

Tianxian smiles and nods "But Chief Lu will finish his meeting in 30 minutes. If Miss has something to say I will inform".

She smirks "What could I have to say..Just inform him Grandpa asked him to announce the engagement news on The Platinum Jubilee Ceremony ".

She takes a glimpse of Lu Cheng inside the conference hall and walks out arrogantly.

Tianxian gets irritated thinking of her ordering his Chief Lu arrogantly. But he controls his anger remembering she was the one saved Chief and his kid that day.

So he gets silent out of respect.

Lu Cheng gets out from the conference hall and asks " Have you cross checked the list of guests?".

Tianxian follows him and nods "Yes Chief Lu".

Lu Cheng enters his cabin loosening his tie and lays on his sofa. In a tired tone, Lu Cheng says "Then let me take a nap".

He folds his hands behind his head and closes his eyes.

He frowns as he could feel Tianxian's present still asks "What is it?".

Tianxian hesitates but says "Ms. Qin came".

He sees Lu Cheng's face got angry yet adds "She said that Elder Lu asked her to inform you ...to announce Engagement in the ceremony".

Lu Cheng lost his tiredness at instant and frowns "Grandpa said?". He fumes "Since when she got close to Grandpa?".

Tianxian helplessly says "Chief Lu its been 3 years.. While she entered The Lu's Old House, you were in hospital and after that in rehabilitation center".

Lu Cheng cuts him off "Grandpa would never believe anyone easily. How did she gained his trust?".

Tianxian says "Since she saved you and your daughter..".

Lu Cheng kicks the coffee table


He roars "I don't have a daughter!!! and I ask you to bring the kid to perform a DNA test!!".

Tianxian gets stunned "Chief ..".

Lu Cheng stares "Can't you hear me? Do something to bring the kid back and perform the tests".

Tianxian didn't expect Lu Cheng would declare about not being the kid's father this determined!

During previous times in hospital he said that but everyone thought it was due to the trauma!!

Tianxian gasps "Yes Chief!"and runs out hurriedly.

Next chapter