
Teacher-Student Relationship

"Hey wake up" the voice of a girl is pulling my arm back and forth "We're almost there su" the same voice said so again.

I peek my eyes open and then fully open them stretching my arms yawning "Almost where?" I ask as my brain isn't really functioning good after jusy waking up.

"The Enclave, where else su?" I gaze at her it were the same lavender haired girl we helped out "Why are you silent su?"

I realize I gazed for too long and I turn my head in front of me "Nothing I just noticed you were that cloaked girl I first encountered" I open my eyes to see my waving teacher "Oh you're here I forgot you stayed with us"

Krill sighed "After teaching you the basics of magic this is how I'm treated?" He shook his head "I feel shocked at this result"

I immediately stood up and bowes "I'm So-" I had come to realize the lack of blood and strength my right foot had, and not to mention I stood in a moving vehicle, no doubt no matter what I could do "Ow!" I'd trip.

They both laugh at me, "What this isn't funny at all!" This only made them laugh more.

Then the girl spoke up "I'm sorry for laughing its just your so free-spirited su" Even though she laughed through that apology.

I climb my way to my chair "Well it is how I want to live my life, being sad is a waste of time instead we should do something about that"

The girl stopped laughing and spoke in a rather sad tone "Really now su?" I turn to her and were left unable to answer the question.

Krill broke the atmosphere and spoke "We're arriving soon so before we arrive how about you introduce yourselves to each other"

I stand up after that "I'm Seraa-" My formal attitude got the best of me, and the moving caravan

The two laughed once again, "You need to learn how to think before y-" She were interrupted by a fourth voice.

"Oi! Quit makin' a fuss back there or I'll personally have ya kicked out!" All three of us said sorry and he became quiet.

She helps me up into my chair and I do two breathing intervals "My name is Seraphim though you can call my Seraph" finally I had done it only this time I did not fall down.

It was her turn to speak she did pretty much the same mental preparation as me "I'm Cherry Heventue, feel free to call me by my first name" I nodded.

Krill on the side clapped his hands thrice "Well that took longer than it should have, my name is Krill Barthomeloi, you both already know me but I'm reintroducing myself because from now on I will be your teacher"

After that there was a brief silence, the driver then tilted his head up a few centimeters "It sure got awfully quie-"

Me and Cherry interrupt the driver with a surprised "Huhh!?" We both at the same time understand the length of his powers as a mage, I then speak up once more "How long will you be teaching us?"

Krill then crossed his arms "A month long" He nodded afterwards with eyes closed

Cherry sat down "That is a long time" Pretty much extending her comment I added mine "I wonder how much there is to learn"

The Caravan stopped "Alright we're here, now all of you get out of my cart!" Like that we all went down, were we really that annoying?

Krill then walked ahead of us, "I trust you two to be morally good children so I'll have them merge your rooms together so you both can study more effectively"

Cherry nods and I nod after her, "I'm fine with it if she is" I look at her to see the response

Cherry turned to me and in turn responded "I just nodded about it su" She sighed

I then chuckle "I guess you did my bad" I shrugg afterwards

Krill then opened the doors "Good thing you guys are getting along well, thats a good thing I'll be off now"

Cherry went ahead of me and I am left standing in the gates slowly moving inside with no idea where to go now

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