
Cress Middle School

I wake up every day at 4 o'clock no later than 4:01. If I sleep past 4 I would get flashbacks, of my past. Since when I was 8 this begin to happen. The very first time it happened I got scared, seeing it was the worst, when I woke up I wake up sweating, and crying. I was scared, I didn't know what was happening to me until when I was about 10 years old, I didn't tell anyone what was happening to me, that my past is trying to get back at me, now my worst fear, torturing what's left of me.

"Girls get ready for school it's 6 o'clock. Wake up." I said.

Marie got up first then Lisa. Since I wake up every day at 4 o'clock it gave me an advantage. I can do my hair( which takes me a long time) watch anime, and did I mention, I have curly, wavy hair. Yea, I never liked my hair, it made me look ugly, well that's how I always felt about myself. It was 6:50 and everyone was out the door. I went to Cress middle school for 7th grade but not 6th. My Mom wanted to take a picture of us first, we allowed, wouldn't want to argue with her. I saw my friends waiting in line to see there first period.

" Hey Jenny. I can't wait this year, it's going to be so much fun" Katty said with a smile.

I have four friends, and other people who talk to me but don't hang out much with me. Katty, Saria, Angie, and Gaby. I wanted to wait with them to see if we would be in the same class. We were all in different classes. I waited with them and we had different classes, which sucked because when I went into my class. My teacher was mean, yea, Mrs. Harwin.

" Oh look, another late student, and what is your name " she said directing her hand at my direction.

" Jenny lopez. I'm not late ethier, I just didn't know which class was my first period," I said while chewing gum.

"Okay well first of all there is no chewing gum in my classroom, and your name is on here so I don't see why you wouldn't know what class your in," Mrs. Harwin said with a tone.

I had a teacher like her when I was young, she didn't like me. My day was already at it's worst and if it couldn't get any worser when passing period started, I saw the guy who I had a crush on towards the ending of 7th grade, Jose. He was so sweet, nice, and cool looking to me. He knows that I like him and I know that he likes me. We haven't asked each other out yet, but when the day comes I know it's going to be dreamy. I stayed in a hallway area where a lot of kids did not past by, especially Jose. It only lasted 5 minutes, and everyday from then on forth. I went back to Mrs. Harwin's classroom and about 15 mintues later a girl I know and hang out with sometimes, comes in the class. Oh my gosh was I glad that I at least have someone. We talked until when the bell rang for 3rd period. Mrs. Harwin's class was History and English. 3rd period was P.E, it was on the other side of school so I rushed a little and when I got inside the classroom, Angie was there.

" Angie! Yes, we have P.E together again" I said with a big smile on my face.

Angie has been with me more than my other friends, I'm glad I have her. She knows more about me than any other person.

" My name is Mr. Vengar. I am going to be your P.E teacher for the rest of the year. Sit wherever you want today but wherever you sit you not going to be able to switch your seats by the end of the year" Mr. Vengar said very formally, and commanding.

I sat with Angie beside me and a group of boys sat near the entrance way which we are close to also. Me and Angie know the guys but didn't really talk to much with. Jorge, Zack, Tony, Miguel, and Brad. There were two other guys but I didn't know them.

flashback to 7th grade-

I had P.E for first period and for second period Miguel had P.E, me and him would mess around with eachother when passing by, one time he through gum in my hair, but it was fine. I used to like him and I thought that he was cute, but after those couple of weeks he stopped talking to me and messing around with me. I thought that he doesn't like me anymore so I left it alone and then I met Jose.

present time-

I haven't talked to him since but Angie was talking with those boys. Mr. Vengar said we should chat with other people in the class and get to know each other. I went with Angie and was talking with them. I felt like someone was looking at me and then I looked at Miguel and he was looking at me too. I didn't know what was happening but it felt a little werid and all I said was,

" Hey Miguel, how you been," I said with a smile.

" Hey. I'm fine, I've been good," he said with a smile.

It was a little akward but then I turned away because the teacher wanted our attention.

"Okay class, that's about it, the bell is about to ring in 5 minutes, get your things together and check which class you have next," Mr. Vengar said.

"Hey Angie what class do you have next," I said while looking at my classes.

"I have Mr. Garcia. Again," she said while taking a sigh.

"Me too, oh my gosh, this is just like 7th grade all over again," I said while laughing.

( when P.E was over me and Angie had Mr. Garcia) The bell ringed and like last year it was boring. Me and Angie just talked about random stuff, what we did during the summer and I talked to her about Jose and that he dated a girl when he knew I liked him, and so I dated another guy and he got mad about it. We broke up with those people and me and him are back to liking each other again. It was 5th period now and it was math and science.

"Hello class my name is Mr.Ken. Unlike other teachers, I want you guys all to know thay I am here for you if you need anyone, if you have badblood with anyome in this class, well act like you guys like each other in here. I don't care I don't want drama in this class. Drama stays outside," Mr. Ken said.

Time past by and then it was lunch time, me and my friends hanged out until the day was over. Several days past and this one faithful day, everything changed. My life changed. I never thought about how my life would get any worser than it already has been. Everything changes, I just didn't know what was heading towards, no one knows if it's good or bad.

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