
Inevitably Trapped With The Amorous Husband

Author: redroui
Ongoing · 2.8M Views
  • 147 Chs
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  • NO.200+

Song Xiulan's parents doted on her so much that they would even find the best bachelor out there to be her husband. They were eyeing Xing Hongqi, a very respectable man and the most powerful in S and T city. But he is also a notorious player and womanizer. Xiulan's parents believed that their impeccable daughter can change a man like Hongqi. Xiulan was willing to follow whatever her parents planned for her. But marrying a womanizer seemed too extreme. Now that she met the man and people around her seem to worship him and talk about his dirty laundries like it was fine. Xiulan is now conflicted about whether she should obey her parents or this time follow her common sense that marrying a womanizer is not fine! But she suddenly finds out a secret that hinders her from not marrying him. Story and cover by redroui https://ko-fi.com/redroui

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Chapter 1Chapter 1 : Meeting God Hongqi

Being the director of her own company was the best thing that Song Xiulan ever planned in her whole life. She can be late or not go to work anytime she wants, unlike before when she worked under a big IT corporation. The environment was so toxic that she did her best to save up money to build her own company.

She was from a respectable political family and her sisters were quite a celebrity in their own careers, especially her eldest sister who's actually a legendary model.

Even though her family background is glitz and glamour, she wants a simple and peaceful life without the public's attention. 

Due to not wanting to be a 'celebrity' in any way possible, she chose a hobby and a future job that she thinks that will be useful for the next 100 years without being a popular, and that is working in technology.

Most who works in technology are either anonymous or secret heroes. She didn't imagine herself being a scientist or mechanical engineer. But she got fascinated in the world of computer language. Since then, she started to collect a lot of books about computer language and how to use them.

After long years, she became a director of her own IT company which offers a service of creating systems and softwares for small companies. Her company also caters a 'women only' policy since the IT industry lacks women. In this small space, she could help women to fulfill their dreams to work in the IT industry.

Most women who work in the information technology and computer science are berated and does not get enough credit. Due to this, she wanted retribution for them and create a society where these women are happy to work on what they love and get the right salary.

It's not that working in other companies were dreadful, they just lack on crediting women.

Song Xiulan just received a very long message from her transgender best friend, Wen Wenyan, that she currently broke up with her wealthy sugar daddy and she'll come back to S city sometime soon to mend her broken heart and finances.

Xiulan knitted her brows when she read that she'll come back soon. It means that Wenyan will be living in her apartment. She hasn't tidy up that place yet and it's full of unnecessary paperwork. She must clean that place before Wenyan comes back. Xiulan is sure that she'll receive a backlash from Wenyan when she sees her apartment.

Wen Wenyan is currently not in good terms with her family due to her decisions in becoming a woman. Wenyan's family didn't have any problems when she confessed that she was gay. But when she told them that she wanted to be a woman and have a sex change, her parents went diabolical on her. 

They oust her out of the Wen family and never acknowledge her even though she has wonderful titles and achievements in Paris, London, and Belgium.

Xiulan became her only family and friend during her hellish and successful days. Wenyan loved Xiulan like her own blood. She thought that if he remained as a man, she might have married Xiulan.

Though Wenyan physically looks like a woman now, for Xiulan she is still the cutie pie matinee idol Wenyan in her primary and secondary school days. 

Xiulan always finds it really funny that the hot matinee idol is now a hot muse. What an amazing development, Xiulan thought.

Xiulan quickly called Wenyan. She's brokenhearted and suffering from the other side of the world. As the only person who believes in her, a call might make her mood brighter.

While Xiulan is both walking and talking to Wenyan on the phone, she saw luxurious cars outside the building of her father's company.

"Wow. Father's client might be someone important. There are a lot of expensive cars outside her company building." Xiulan suddenly blurted out while talking to Wenyan.

"Huh? Why are you there anyway? I thought your office is not in your dad's company?" Wenyan curiously asked. Since they are very close, they update each other when they have time. Their long-distance calls could last up to three to six hours depending on Xiulan's free time.

"Yeah, you are right. My IT company resides in Y district since most of my employees lived near there. I'm just here to visit father since he wanted to talk about my upcoming marriage. Have I told you that I'm gonna get married soon?" Xiulan casually said like her marriage was a no biggie. Actually, she doesn't care much about arranged marriage since rich families do this. Her big sisters had arranged marriage as well but their stories ended up in divorce.

"Huh!? Why I didn't know about that? Spill it, quickly!" Wenyan suddenly became excited when she heard that her sister from another planet is getting married. She always prayed that her dear friend could get married since it was always her who has a lover.

"I actually only found out about my marriage a month ago during my nephew's third (one of her cousin's child) birthday. It was weird since most of my relatives paled when they found out who my husband to be is." Xiulan said. She's now entering the building and she gave a faint smile to the security guard. She went directly to the elevator and waited for her turn to come in.

"Who is it anyway? Give me more details! Faster! Goddamnit!" Wenyan was so thirsty to find out more about Xiulan's wedding.

Before Xiulan speaks, she looked at her surroundings first and cleared her throat. It's only four of them inside the elevator and they looked like they don't know her. It was one very tall guy accompanied by two bulky men in black suits. Xiulan didn't saw the tall man's face since due to his gigantic height and why does she need to look at his face anyway?

Also, as a daughter of this company's director, employees would always greet her and they are familiar with her face but those three seem to not know her.

She thought that maybe they are outsiders or new. 

"It's Xing Hongqi. Does it ring a bell? I actually only heard about him from my employees and my sisters. They seem to worship him." Xiulan spilled. She was not aware of that man. She was never interested in showbiz anyway. According to her sisters, the man owns the biggest show businesses company and network in the country.

The three men inside the elevator suddenly put their attention on Xiulan's small frame. The very tall man raised his eyebrows and attentively eavesdropped on Xiulan's phone conversation.

"My God! Xiulan baby, I might have lived my life in Europe for the past ten years but I still know Xing Hongqi! This damn girl! Are you really a CEO of an IT company? Why you don't know about him?" Wenyan scolded Xiulan for not knowing God Hongqi. Everyone knows him in the business world. How can this successful female director don't know him? Does her obliviousness level up again? 

"But I really don't know him. I've heard his name before but I didn't pay attention since I was really busy with work and I've been constantly studying." Xiulan tried to explain. She was a computer genius and since technology is always advancing, she has to study constantly to keep up with the latest tech.

She doesn't care about who's the wealthiest or the most popular right now. If only Hongqi was under her radar, specifically a tech enthusiast as well, then she might have known him. But he was a businessman, politician and show business icon. What's the correlation between Hongqi and Xiulan? None!

"You're giving me a headache. I can't believe I know someone who's not aware of Xing Hongqi! Ugh! I'll call you later. You are stressing me out. Give me the details of your wedding through WeChat instead." Wenyan hurriedly ended the call. She felt like she's getting vertigo from Xiulan's obliviousness.

Xiulan frowned and thought why are people getting headaches whenever she says that she's not familiar with Xing Hongqi. She was bewildered.

Xiulan suddenly felt like an alien or a trespasser in a religion. Hongqi was the God of that religion and she was an oblivious peasant that troubled everyone by her stupidity. Is it that bad that she was never interested in gossip and show business?

She never felt alienated like this in her entire life.

She has reached her father's office floor and directly went to meet her father's secretary. She didn't even notice that the people inside the elevator with her also went down on the same floor.

When the secretary saw her, he immediately smiles but that smile only lasted for a few seconds and changed to a gaping expression.

Her father's secretary was shocked. He never thought that Xiulan and Hongqi would meet this early and they even rode the same elevator! The most shocking is that the young madame seems to be unconcerned. Wow! He never thought that a person would not really know Xing Hongqi. It was an amazing sight.

"Good afternoon, Young madame and Young Master Hongqi. Master Song Yingpei has been waiting for your arrival. Please come inside." the secretary politely introduced and opened the door for them.

Xiulan suddenly looked at the person behind her and now she clearly saw the same tall man with his goons earlier in the elevator. This time she saw his face.

His eyebrows were raised and he was looking at her as well. Xiulan thought that he was definitely ethereal! She quickly removed her sight away from the man and hastily went inside her father's office.

"Is that really my future husband? I suddenly feel pressured." Xiulan muttered to herself. The man was handsome, alright. But what about his character? 

She's pretty much open-minded in marrying a stranger. Ever since she saw her sisters married off to rich strangers, she already conditioned her mind that sooner or later, her parents will do the same to her.

"Ah! My lovely daughter Xiulan. You're finally here." Xiulan's father greeted her. He was about to come near her but halted when he saw a familiar man behind Xiulan.

"Oh! Young Master Hongqi!" he cheered. It was an unexpected sight. Seeing Xiulan and Hongqi like this. It made father Song's heart flutter.

"Beautiful afternoon, Master Song Yingpei." Hongqi greeted the old man. His voice was really deep and crisp. Just by the way he spoke, he already has that authoritative tone and control on people.

Xiulan suddenly felt a cold sweat on her back and neck. She's not sure why she's nervous and constipated. This level of nervousness is uncomfortable for her! The tension was extreme and Hongqi only greeted her father but she felt like battling the final boss in one of her RPG games.

Xiulan felt extremely uncomfortable knowing his eyes were on her. She wanted this meeting to end immediately but bad news, it's just about to start. Oh, the horror!

Something from the way he looks at her that he already judged her whole character. She doesn't like that type of "checking".

"Please sit, the both of you." father Song excitedly said and he also sat in one of the sofas instead of sitting on his office chair. His giddy feelings were uncontrollable. He wanted to pair them both quickly.

"Ah this is making my heart flutter." father Song can't help but loudly utter. He was on cloud nine. He never thought that Hongqi and Xulian would look so good together. He can already imagine his future grandchildren under these two. Ah, they would look like angels! Father Song excitedly thought.

Xiulan sat on the sofa first. When she felt Hongqi sat beside her, the cold sweat and constipation worsen. The last time she had this kind of feeling was when she was introducing her thesis to ten professors way back during her last semester in university.

She thought she won't get any nervous butterflies since she's used to meeting clients and investors in her own company. But this Xing Hongqi guy was her future husband. He looks intimidating and scary. He also looks like a black belly.

Xiulan awkwardly stole a glance at Hongqi and to her surprise, he was also looking at her. She gave him an awkward smile and moved her attention to her father. Her old father was grinning like an idiot at them.

"Young master Hongqi, this is my youngest daughter Song Xiulan. I know you've heard about her from me for so many times. Hehe." Father Song grinned and lightly coughed. He can't control his excitement that his voice was getting high-pitched.

Hongqi nodded and faintly smiled at Xiulan. No one knows what's on his mind. He only gave a neutral response.

"Xiulan, this is Young Master Xing Hongqi. He's the one I'm talking about a month ago. Please greet him." Father song said and he was really attentive to the two.

"Great meeting you, Young Master Hongqi. I deeply apologize for not greeting you awhile ago." Xiulan greeted. She flashed her sweet smile at Hongqi first before bowing her head.

Hongqi can't stop staring at Xiulan. He thought that she's like a trembling kitty. So tiny, cute and delicate. Her face says it all that she's nervous but he can't help but be mesmerized by her pretty and youthful face. 

For a playboy like him, he saw a lot of beauties in his 32 years living in this world. He was more accustomed to sexy women. The youngest daughter of Song Yingpei has a unique charm in her. She was not the type like those Victoria's Secret bombshells but there's an unknown attraction when looking at her face. 

Her lips and eyes captured his attention the most. He thought that it was really lovely. He suddenly got annoyed when she bowed her head, hiding all her beautiful features. He still wanted to savor that sweet smile.

"It's okay, I understand. Miss Song might be really busy that she didn't notice me." Hongqi teased. He was wearing this sexy grin when he spoke.

Xiulan raised her head and her constipation level up to the extreme by seeing that smile. 

"What a charming smile... if I marry him then I will have to see that smile every day? I don't think my heart and my stomach can keep up." Xiulan thought. "Why can't dad just marry me off to someone who's plain?" She subconsciously pouted.

Of course, women are weak against handsome creatures.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1