i not good with synopsis , just read chapter zero and decide
(in a shadowy hall , two people can be seen . One of them is me and the other my friend jack . We are sneaking through the hall to reach a door at the end)
Jack - do we really need to do this , these people are not exactly the kindest . You know it so why are you even trying it.
Me - come on man , we must do something . We must must do something after what they did to arnab and if we get caught i take all the blame so stop whining . After all you volunteered .
Jack - what volunteering man you essentially
Tricked me into it . Anyways do we really need to such a risk , our backup plan is jumping from the fifth floor , any small mistakes and we will fall to our death .
Me - we won't have to use our back up . Even if we have to we must use it we have been trained to do that type of shit anyway . We can use the training that they forced on us to bite back at them .
Jack - something man , but I must say security has gone lax , we are just strolling into the tyrants room you Know . It used to be like fort Knox just a couple of weeks ago. I am telling you these people are weird , they kidnap us and then give us military training . Before this area was crawling with now there were barely eleven people here . I really dont understand how they work
(By then we had reached the end of the corridor which was adorned with a plain white door . It didn't suit the shadowy scene surrounding it glaring like Rudolph's nose . The door itself seemed very flimsy that it could break with a single kick . But the door was unbreakable we had tried doing that before . )
(I took a couple of metal wire from my pocket and began fiddling with lock , after a few minutes the locks clicked as the door opened and we entered the room . jack went before me . But before entering I took out a Swiss knife from my pocket and cut the part that was out side the keyhole to make sure that nobody could open the lock , then we entered the room as I heard a click which meant the door was locked again. Jack didn't notice it )
(The room itself was a simple one , adorned with a bed and a table and a chair with two trunks to the side and a cupboard to the right . Next to the cupboard were around ten to eleven bottles of petrol . Due to this the small area seemed pretty large . )
Me - jack , we have roughly ten minutes. , Before he comes so make use of it search around and find anything of value .
Jack - best of luck.
(Saying this jack and I split up , me taking the trunk and jack taking the cupboards . My work was over question quickly as one of the trunks essentially contained an assortment of swords shields and many other ancient weapon . This was his collection of weapons which was his pride. )
Jack - there is nothing of value here , only his stinky clothes ,and man do they stink
(We checked the everything , the bed had nothing . The trunk had weapons which could be useful but I could not take all of them with me , but if I could
It would be useful . Especially for what was to come soon . )
(A couple of minutes later . Jack was standing in front of window . Outside the window two arrows connected with thick ropes were stuck on the wall next to window. the arrows we're steel ones which penetrate deep into the wall and hold itself there . it could hold the weight of a man but if pulled in correct way the arrow would fall out like a knife being pulled out of butter . )
Jack - do we really need to take the weapons . I know we have a hiding place but it's still to risky .
Me -its a risk we need to take
Jack - you are not following the plan, you said I need to follow it .
Me - just jump of the window man , you have trained for it .
Jack - maybe we can try to sneak these weapons through the floor . It's safer you know and we don't need to jump
Me - sorry chump , i have locked us in , you have to jump .
Jack -. You planned to trick me from the start didn't you (getting angry )You are a piece of shit , jayanth .Wish me luck , if I die I will become a ghost and haunt you.
(Saying this jack jumped of the window with a bunch of weapons on his back , i had emptied the trunk and given jack everything . It would be dangerous , but with my plans it was best we took it )
Me - get ready , jayanth . Shits gonna start . I do hope you shoot the door open , sir tyrant . It would quite explosive (i was muttering ).
Me - lame pun man , just focus on your work .
(I went to petrol barrels and began piling it in front of the door . And I poured the remaining petrol over the other stuff in the room . I was doing this to destroy all other proof of my presence and also so that it would act as a fuel )
(Meanwhile I went to the table where there were a few papers hidden under the table . The papers was written using a language similar to runes )
(I took out my swiss knife and made a cut on my left finger. Using the blood i began to draw a rune on the ground . )
(The rune began shining in a blood red color , as the color intensified brightly and ground under the rune began to change shape and a lump of concrete began to rise from the ground . The links shape began to change shape and after a few seconds the concrete took the shape of a small gnomish figure appeared with rune on its forehead . )
Gnome - draconis octo …. Oh sorry , what do you want of me . I can do anything you want . Maybe I could be your soul servant too , for a price of course .
Me - don't even bother too , i want you too translate this , with the correct meaning and in english please , with the grammar of my world .
Gnome - very precise order , simple and without any loopholes. I didn't expect this from a human of this world . Give me the sheet will you
Me - don't damage the sheet and write down the translation, don't tell it to me verbally and don't damage the translation sheet too and in neat handwriting .
Gnome - you are a smart man indeed , young master
. Now give me the sheet . Would you
Me - here take it . You damage it in anyway and you burn in hell fire .
(The gnome took the sheet of paper , glanced at it once or twice as a sheet of paper appeared next to it . )
Gnome - here's your translation
( I looked at the sheet of paper and found nothing to be written on it .)
Me - nothing is written on it it . Are you going against my orders
Gnome - milord , though you were very specific you didn't specify the colour of ink used . So I took the liberty of choosing and deciding for myself . I can change the color if you want , of course it would be for a price .
{Now I take the liberty of interfering , when a gnome told that he would help you for a price , don't because around 9 out of 10 times they take away your soul . the last one time they also include the souls of your families in the deal
I have heard of an unlucky guy accepted the help of a gnome for a bottle of water and no he was not in a desert , he just wanted to water his plants and that cost was his soul . He must have cared a lot about his plants .it also shows how dangerous this gnomes are )
Me - thank you Mr gnome , you have just made it easier for me to kill you .
(the gnome had lost every bit of sympathy i had for him )
( . throwing my knife on the rune on his forehead as the small gnome screamed )
Me - i have sealed your soul to this realm. , Under the law of solomon , you shall be released upon fulfilling my command .
Gnome - how the hell do you know of the law of soloman , our kind destroyed it evidence a millenia ago
Me - let's just say I have my sources , now I command you that as soon as the door opens and an infernal being appears you must challenge it and kill it
Gnome - who the hell do you think you are , it's an infernal being . They are considered the princes of hell . About a 100 of me are just about enough challenge an infernal being and not even kill it you know
Me - no just you is enough . He has been drastically weakend and he cannot use magical energy. Whereas you can , i have prepared a sufficiently strong enough source of energy and you can escape after heavily injuring him
Gnome (sighing ) - your world is a Terrible place , ever since the law was created our kind hadn't had a chance to even breath a sigh . We actually destroyed all proof of our existence in this realm to escape from that law and we are the kind that propagate in a gods realm .
(I take the liberty of interfering again . while I will be brief now , it will get detailed later . the God's and a devil are essentially two races that have a thing for each other and always out for each other's blood )
Me - stop your monologue now , prepare for the war because no matter how weak he will be , he is an infernal being . meditate
Gnome - you are an good man , you know . Most people use the law of solomon to work us to the bone . You are dismissing me after a single job . Though it is dangerous , you at least aren't using us to build a palace and work us like slaves and then make us hunt our own kind . on top of that no salary , it was like our worst nightmare. So I shall advice you , don't ever try this with my brethren . Most of them aren't as kind as me .
( .he suddenly had that aura of a martyr . for a second there I actually felt pity for him )
Me - what the hell are you yapping on about , i had heard devils were skilled actor , but that was so real .You are not getting any pity from me no matter what you do
( Saying this i went to window , the devils were really a skilled actors , for he actually made me want to help him for a second . I also had to leave quickly because the tyrant could be coming any time soon anyways . Thinking this i peeked out of the window i caught sight of the rope that I needed to use .).
(It was stuck safely on the wall next to me catching it in one hand as I climbed out onto the ledge catching onto the rope. I covered my palms with my sleeves , looked down and jumped .)
(The first thing I felt was weightlessness and then came the stinging pain from my fingers . But I couldn't do anything about it as I didn't have the foresight to prepare something to prevent it from happening)
(While it happend for a few seconds to tell the truth it was like an eternity . I won't mind going more detailed than that as you would not understand my feeling unless you were in my place . Anyways the few seconds got over as I neared the window where the rope ended )
( letting go of the rope i caught the the ledge of the window as I swung my way into the room .)
( Three familiar faces appeared in front of as I entered )
Me (after landing ) - guys I have something to tell you