
You Should Not Be Doing So

You Should Not Be Doing So

Jen wore a simple dress and came out, the hair was slightly combed now but not fixed with expensive or stylish hairpin.

She was looking exceptionally beautiful but rather saddened, after taking a look in the hall she went out.

The Sleuth Custodians appeared out of nowhere and flew around her, "This color was selected by me? Does the miss like it?" a custodian spoke puffing its imaginary chest, it was glad that the miss has good taste.

Jen heard the creature and looked at herself, "I thought this was the most simple and ignorable color," how could she select some stunning dress and wear when her heart was in chaos, everything seemed like a trash.

"Ah miss, you broke my heart, wait there is no need to feel guilty I remember I don't have a heart at all," the custodian emitted smoke from its mouth when speaking.

Jen knitted her brows and walked ahead.

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