
The Core [No More Egomaniac]

Yongjie opened his eyes and looked at the girl, "I forgive you for this once," he deeply inhaled breath and waved his hand.

"Brother, your escort sentient is facing difficulty at restoring the fiber barrier, someone broke and tried to enter inside the core," Yongying spoke.

Yongjie jumped up from his bed, "Who broke it and who released the escort sentient?" he was alarmed that his favorite beast would leave him now.

"Senior, a woman came with her bunch of friends, but the beast attacked them and saved the barrier," Jen spoke this time.

"Ah, what are you doing here, go out," this girl was unpredictable for him and he was worried she would again do something to anger him.

Jen walked out and stood in the open ground.

"Brother Yongjie, you should not have behaved this way," Yongying told what happened and how it all turned out well in the end.

"Now I am supposed to acknowledge her courage?" he stood up from his bed and fixed his appearance.

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