
Fierce Battle Girl 2

The battle was still going.

Jen almost lost the track, she was aimlessly following her opponent's move.

This caused the battle go on turtle pace, spectators were shouting now.

"What is going on here? Are we supposed to watch cat and mice friendly chase?" they were bored.

Jen was not in a mood to break this sequence, this prolonged the battle and in the end, Jen just finished by sweeping her dominion and injuring her opponent.

Next two days, the battle grounds shook with the rage of fierce dominions and furious opponents, they seemed to shatter everything along.

Fourth ranker really showed up with the strong caliber and endurance.

Tong Ban won against first opponent with ease and next day, he faced first ranker and it turned out both were unwilling to accept defeat.

Both were sons of two of pillars of the Celestial Sphere, they don't fear circumstances, they were only focused to win the battle.

Next chapter