
You Don't Need To Come Along

Jen was familiar with the big market.

She wanted only small trip there and buy the things she needed for her personal use.

After she was done with her attribute practice, she changed into new dress and came downstairs, she wanted to eat something before visiting market.

This lodge was convenient for all Cultivators and they could order lunch and dinner at the mess.

What she don't know that Wang Bo was walking behind her.

She walked in the mess and sat on a table.

Many Cultivators immediately looked at her and were praising this beauty in their hearts.

Few tried to stand up and ask her whether she was interested to join them for meal, of cource, they won't let her pay the bill.

But as soon as their eyes fell on the man walking behind her, they halted their footsteps feeling it won't be wise to chirp around her in his presence, his aura of veneration was at another level and they might never be able to compete it.

Wang Bo swept his gaze around and after making sure that men were not staring his woman, he nodded.

His presence would be considered useless if still someone dared to look at his woman.

He was under the strict law of this sphere else only his gaze could suffocate to death many.

Still his aura was spreading like a Golden Legend, an existence to himself.

There were only twenty Golden Legends in the Celestial Sphere and they were called pillars of this vast and big sphere.

Jen felt something was amiss.

Usually wherever she went, she faced many unwanted stares, she cannot possibly pick up fight with everyone who looked at her.

She was amazed to see Wang Bo walking toward her table.

He sat in front of her.

He don't directly look at her but when she looked elsewhere, he would side glance her.

"Coincidence, senior is here for lunch?" Jen asked.

"No, I was walking around for fresh air," he spoke effortless.

Jen blinked and saw her surrounding, this place was packed with the people and customers who were shouting at attendants to bring their orders, they were crazy Cultivators and random people, how this place could provide fresh air?

This hall was squeezing with the continuous stream of people and fresh air was scars.

Jen didn't ask further.

She cannot restrict his movements or will to wander around.

"I bet, this girl started liking master," the slave fairy winked to her sister.

"And may I ask what made you bet this blatant?" the other fairy clapped her hands.

"Ah, didn't you just see the expressions of the girl?" she excused.

Wang Bo could hear their conversation, he immediately looked at Jen but to his worry, she was as usual nothing was unusual with her expressions.

He looked aside and spoke in his head, "Trying to scam your master?" he glared both.

"But master, her expressions..." the fairy got worried.

"Shut up, what do you know about the human expressions? Humans expressions are as complicated as human nature, don't get confused," he scolded his slave.

Upper Sphere has many advanced creatures and masters of bigger Manias were in habit to keep slaves.

These fairies were begotten for convenience of masters, they were kept to their limit of knowing and learning, they were assigned fixed jobs.

And they were not allowed to step over their limits.

Only few who were given more liberties can speak more than they were ordered because their masters were not cruel, for example Wang Bo.

Jen started eating as soon as her order arrived.

She ate like she was hungry for weeks.

Wang Bo sneaked peak and sighed.

She was like a baby blue whale, trying to eat a lot.

But she still won't be bigger immediately.

Because when she work hard and learn, she won't even think about food.

He was enjoying to see her this way.

She asked whether senior wanted to order something which he declined.

If he ate then he would miss out these moments.

She paid the bill and stood up to leave.

Wang Bo presented a stone for the payment but the attendant rejected this stone saying that it was useless.

Jen saw the same stone and smiled.

"Senior, I am going to buy few things, I will leave now," she told because it would be rude if she immediately left.

"Let's go together," he straightway walked to lead her.

"Mm, senior, I am going to buy few personal things," she spoke awkward.

"What personal?" he got puzzled.

Jen was speechless, what personal she should tell, if she can tell then it won't be personal already.


"Master, I think you should let her go alone," the slave fairy interrupted.

"Alright, you should go and be careful," he nodded his head.

He was unwilling but he cannot disturb her personal matters.

Jen thanked in her heart and walked out of the hall.

She brought her armor dress at the shop and handed to the same Craftsman who sold it to her.

The Craftsman looked at the armor dress and immediately recognized that he prepared this dress, he looked at the girl, she bought it three months ago.

But what made him more concerned was the damage, how come this exclusively crafted piece of armor broke this way? How strong must be the battle that resulted this damage?

He looked at the girl and was in dilemma whether to ask her or not.

"How this armor broke?" he finally asked to satisfy his curiosity.

"A Golden Legend suddenly attacked me to venge for his son," Jen truthfully spoke.

The Craftsman heard and spurted blood, 'what a Golden Legend attacked on you,' he looked at her, she was only a green Sage.

He took deep breath, he looked at the calm girl and from her aura, she don't seemed blabbering things.

Her kept the broken armor and gave her a card that he would prepare it again in one and half month.

Jen kept the card and went to buy few other things she needed for personal use.

She was about to enter in the shop where girlish accessories were able but she has to stop...

"Senior, you are here," Wang Bo appeared out of nowhere.

"I thought to help you buy your personal things," he casually spoke.

Both fairies heard and fell on ground, 'to think that master was understanding'

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