
You Prepared Evidence? (4)

He ran to catch them both.

He stood in front of them on time.

The first disciple was here also to participate in the Intermediate Contemplation Battles.

"Senior sister Jen, respected mentor Shao!!" he bowed to them.

It was a pleasant surprise.

Jen was sure that first disciple also intended to participate in the Intermediate Contemplation Battles and to see him today here cleared his strong decision too.

"Let's come in with us!!" mentor Shao gestured him and he was given the room of the prince, yes, both shared the room.

Prince was convulsing over to see another rival and how kindly Jen treated everyone.

Prince was of possessive nature, well, to be possessive nature was good but sometimes it was bad.

There was a hint of jealousy sprouting in him.


It was the second day of the beginning of Intermediate Contemplation Battles.

Previous day twenty over battles were fought and only one or two Rapscallion was able to win against the genius disciple of affiliated school.

It was not breaking news indeed because that school was not among the twenty top Ranking Schools List.

It also turned for Jen too.

She was going to battle against a genius of top ten Ranking School.

He was under the list of individual Ranking Board too.

His Ranking was One hundred fifty-nine and if he lost this battle he would fell from his Ranking and the candidate who won against him would snatch this ranking place from him, this was called the most terrible wild card entryway.

This fair equal grounds competition led few Rapscallions and Veterans better places in the past and a Rapscallion became the head of a prestigious School of Contemplation in the past.


"Did you investigate the man_??" Peizhi Ying was under many questions of these oldies, they wanted to make sure that everything was on the right lines.

"Do you think I am such irresponsible_I have my means to dig out the origins of that man_though he seems powerful and above Legend Realm but I will make sure to investigate further_!!" he looked outside.

Today Jen as a Rapscallion was going to face a genius of top Ranking Manias.

Peizhi Ying and other four oldies especially make sure to spectate personally this match.

They were planning to get rid her but they were not sure about her caliber whether they should be afraid of her or not.

Until now there was only one reason for their concerns and that was that she was the granddaughter of Defender Xuan Rong, nothing else.

They wanted to hurt Xuan Rong by hurting her.

"I know, you have planned everything well but make sure there should be less and fewer loopholes in our move_!!" another oldy who was strongest among the gang of five spoke this time.

"Yes! I can also sense that he is not an ordinary Legend Realm Contemplator_just look at his attitude and demeanor_!!" he pointed his finger toward the open high stadium where mentor Shao was sitting with a strange aura around him.

Mentor Shao came to see her improved fighting prowess.

He wished her for whatever she wanted to achieve by participating in the Intermediate Contemplation Battles.

Jen, as usual, was void of any air other than calm demeanor and this was her signature demeanor and attitude.

Few who saw her in the Primary Battles were astounded to see her again but it was normal for her to appear here, after all, she was the granddaughter of Xuan Rong, didn't she??

'But why has she slotted Rapscallion, did the grandfather abandon her_??'

'Anyway, it was the matter between grandfather and granddaughter, not of their concern!!'

"I also thought the same_what if we did what we planned and his backing appeared suddenly_?? Then we will surely be doomed_!!" the fourth oldy who was not interested or feared the circumstances raised his concerns.

"You were always like this_I said I will double-check his hidden identity_!!" Peizhi Ying ensured.

"I agree with my friend_how is it possible that Xuan Rong let her wander around with the identity of a Rapscallion despite knowing his opponents_he must have done many safety measures for her_what do you say_??" the fifth oldy spoke up agreeing with the fourth oldy friend.

"Now that you pointed out_it seemed the case_!!"

"OK, we will talk further after her battle_let's watch it_how much learned she is_??" Peizhi Ying stopped their never-ending train of concerns and pointed toward the open Demesne.

Genius Jian Wu was familiar with the rules so he was not feeling inferior or unfair to battle with a Rapscallion girl.

What bothered him much was her calm appearance.

He was genius, not overconfidence brat so he carefully tried to evaluate his opponent.

If she had not worn the slot of a Rapscallion, she would definitely be considered a royal girl from her looks and bearings.

This was thirty-ninth face-off of this competition.

Most of the eyes were fixed on her.

Mentor Shao could sense undefined and malicious intents in her surrounding, he was not sure of the true identity of his disciple nor did she express but now he was feeling that she had some powerful friends or foes.

He needed to be more alert.

The Battle was about to begin.

Prince was also there, he was eager to see her in action after five years.

The chime indicated the beginning of the battle.

Both opponents opened up with their dominions.

The genius was advanced level Sage Monarch.

Jen was learned with practice fights and moreover her interactions with the stronger opponents.

Most of the spectators were here to support the genius of their school.

They cheered out loud.

Dominions got stronger after some time.



Dominions exploded with the explosion.

Next chapter