

Five levels of principle existence were cultivated to reach the advance existence, there were two ways either you reach unconventional levels or you die during your struggle, one who chose to stay behind would be considered weakling and would be crushed eventually.

If considered her circumstances, Jen was compelled to struggle and advance her existence because she had powerful enemies before her birth back then and now to fortuitous the expectations of her great grandfather, she had to fight her way through her existence and prove her existence meaningful.

It was painful to even prove her existence in front of her great grandfather too.

After four months, Jen succeeded to fashion a bigger crack on the seals of Acmes Pair.

She had to formulate to absorb and keep the insane energy which would flow out from her Sage Acmes Pair, it solely was contingent on her caliber whether she would be able to absorb 50 to 70 percent of blasted energy or she would gather only 20 to 40 percent alike average cultivators.

One must remember that genius cultivators could reach 50 percent of absorption of blasted energy and if compared to Jen erstwhile advancement, it was 60 to 70 percent when she became Expert and stepped in first Realm.

This was the sole reason for her to be strongest among average and stronger than geniuses' cultivators.

It depended on her devotion, present caliber, and capability to show her persistent nature again.

For preparations she was lacking her Solar Star, keeping in mind that it was the second Realm and needed double protection and precaution, she again needed to depend on her Five Layer of Insights. She made sure that Zhi Chang was wholly protected; this advancement of the Realm would insanely be powerful and to secure herself, she spread her Motionless War Stage of Peace.

She stuffed some valuable herbs which her great grandfather gave her to step in the second Realm after she consumed herbs; it was like fuel to fire, her contiguous air got more powered and overbearing.

She was absorbed in her in-depth contemplation; overbearing power was aggregating with an incense rate, after an incense time, a sonic bomb explosion occurred in the depths of deep river and surface confronted its repercussions strongly.

It did not end up here, instead, strong wave traveled on the river exterior.

Jen was waiting for this moment, she forced this energy in her Motionless War Stage dominion, it was best option to confine this dominant oomph in her own dominion so that it could not escape and its concentrated strength could be exploited and restrained by Jen.

Even if this energy wanted to escape, the strong forte of her dominion would not let it go.

She took a whole next month to capture and absorb this energy essence.

She was contemplating with diligence, she was alone to fix if there occurred any problem but she would not let it occur.

This dominant oomph was really overbearing and she took time to study its widespread fiber core, she was in no hurry.

Sage Realm was essentially the study of Essence core.

She regained her calm stature and this advancement improved her visible Essence Chord efficiency. Motionless War Stage was an angry giant who was usually in deep sleep and when it was disturbed or employed, it would create rumpus since it was disciplined by Jen, she could rest assured about its meticulousness, in fact, and it was wise decision to employ Motionless War Stage.

Another Acmes Pair got expanded and her strength reached its brilliance.

She accumulated her scattered essence energy and controlled it within her expanded Acmes Pair this helped her steel her present state which was Sage Realm, Stone Sage.

In her present Contemplation Level, she could definitely win against a level higher cultivator and if she was in danger she could escape singlehandedly from Sage Monarch leaving some injuries to him. Given her present accumulative power, she could defeat Sage Monarch with fair means.

She was exuding powerful energy essence aptitude.

She was here in the deep river for ten months, she reached the second Realm and Zhi Chang was laying in her Acmes Pair, unknown to external events, her Solar Star also got a high jump in its level and reached second Realm, Sage Stone Sage.

She looked more innocent and cute and she became exceptionally breathtaking beauty with her rise of Realm.

She spread her contemplation and she could see that Solar Star got more active for the energy deployment for Zhi Chang, she was satisfied, sigh she did not know how to bring him from her Acmes Pair out and crystal bead was such impish that it worked without her permission back then, what kind of bug this was but she was contented because it only worked to save Zhi Chang.

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