

Rain started falling soon, they hurried to go back, if they continued journey they could catch clod. There was rock enough space for them to stand in the shade, they stopped there for a while.

Contemplation was banned to display in public but if they stayed there it would be of no avail either. Small scale just to shade like umbrella, small bright stars surrounded them and they started again their journey back to inn.

Farmer family was hostile to see this; Qi Jian voiced lucidly, "Miss Jen Ming is Head Defender of Zhang Ming Empire, don't get panic."

Being heir and prestigious he never encountered ordinary folks so he said little straightforward but his reaction and understanding of situation was quick like white warrior.

If he spent time with common folks, he would develop keen longing and understanding of their situations.

Jen noticed his valiant and quick action, she was thankful to Qi Jian. If battle prowess was different but if she was alone she would not hesitate to break the law through Contemplation attack to save this family.

She nodded her head when Qi Jian looked at her.

But the real problem was still deep and that was her every movement every action was filled with elegance and this elegance hammered on his heart and his heart sunk more in the vast ocean of love.

He was waving his hand to catch even a straw that could help and save him from sinking but there was no use, his heart was helpless against her strong weapon, 'elegance'.

When she nodded despite being in Contemplation shade he felt all clouds were directed toward him and he was wetting in this heavy rain.

Every drop of rain was beautiful and falling on his masculine strong body and penetrating in his blood giving life to him, her enchanting presence had captivated his heart from long time.

He was smiling to himself when she called his name, "Qi Jian we are here," they approached homely inn.

Night was peaceful…

Her heart was still restless.

It was midnight, and she was in small backyard which was scented with different types of flowers, Qi Jian was looking at her from balcony, half-moon was hung on the sky, clouds were gone, her presence made scenery life like and dreamy.

Her shoulder less night gown was whispering sweetly because of cool mild air.

Few flowers separated willingly from mother branches and kissed her crystal clear shoulders, she slightly smiled, seeing this he put his right hand on his left side middle ribs.

He could not up hold it anymore.

He approached her close.

She was effusively in her thoughts and when she felt presence of someone, many followers had their tiny thorns with their related crown boughs, she took her step and thorns pricked in her feet for defense of beautiful flowers.

Unable to bear she fell back, at her back there was small pool, splash, without resistance she fell back.

Qi Jian dope forward and his feet also met with thorns, to avoid he stepped there were few which remained pricked in his feet, lost balance and fell over her when she was about to fell.

Cold air made the water colder.

Because of his over-weight on her, her back quickly met the bottom, he understood the reason of her fall, extended his arms and pulled her in his embrace, he wanted to linger in this moment but both were underwater and she was injured by thorns.

Supported her on edge and dived again to reach her feet.

She was bewildered to see this.

Everything was normal before and now she was wet in pool with tiny thorns pricked under her feet.

Next chapter