although I could see and remember all of how this began. the other elder tatiee ( short for tatineenee) couldn't cause while I was over thousands years old and not even old for my type of tatiee. the other races could only live a measly 100 to 200 years tops. since their wasn't really any of my kind around no one believed me when I said I was as old as I say I am(which is 2000). we as a species don't really know what our children are going to be we tend not to judge by race, color or age we just don't care. the time that spent on it was a waste in our culture and the love between two people was never looked down on no matter the sex, age or something else that the papoo came up with to keep their own safe from the unknown and the different from them. we are the tatiee we have power to work on we are pure ... well some of us are, you see the shark clan is the start of all this chaos that is going around they have this problem that if they smell blood they start getting dizzy and lose their own mind until it is either to late or they snap out of it that's why from young the shark clan is supposed to train their minds and body's too get some control so it is less likely to happen. but three hundred years ago a arrogant family of the shark clan decided they were so in control they didn't need to practice so they decided to go on land and live with the humans as if they were human for a while and it worked until it didn't. the son of the family which hadn't gone through any of the control practice at all considering the whole family thought it was pointless he ended up losing his mind after one of his friends from the town fell and scraped his knee he ended up eating all the children around him along with biting several adults and ended up scaring the whole town the family ended up being deemed vampires and ended up fearing for their lives, as time went for a month or two the humans ended up killing and chasing the family away none of the family survived.the humans started to fear all tatiee and even though in the ocean we looked different from one another on land we looked vary much like humans expect for our eyes,feet,hands and mouth the eyes had a slight fish like look to them, the hands and feet are webed slightly in a few cases the hands are also have no nails on them. according to I see you tatiee that turns from humans we are vary beautiful. then the human claiming to be a hunter of tatiee came along telling tails of tatiee and giving immortality to the human race along with us being murderers and eating human flesh. it all just was one town after another chasing the tatiee out then . they where scared and ignorant of what we actually were. we were protecting and helping them along with blowing the air to make to world so the humans can live without fear of the sky falling and killing them like it did my clan.
the chaos gets quiet as the humans thinking they are the winners as they grab the dead thinking it will give them a chance to live longer but they are mistaken cause tatiee can give you immortality but only if you become one of us and that is a long journey to achieve.
I watched as my brethren are pulled from the waters and onto the shores for God knows what. I then no being able to watch anymore turn around to see all the ones who survived watching also as more and more of their brethren are pulled out of the waters. tears are being shed as it melts into the waters to become one with the sea. I was watching them all looking lost and domb founded scared of what was coming next and scared of what they would become now.
me knowing of a way to live together in peace away from the papoo and free of them remembering. I gathered the top magical clan heads and discussed my plan and once they all agree on the condition I would rule for 3 generations of tatiee.
we went and wiped all the human memories of us ever existing took all the humans that wanted to join us and had pure hearts and took them with us we then took a few that wanted to stay on land and made them swear and oath of never speaking of us ever and protecting our secrets as they would be the ones that would travel and wipe the memories of the ones on land further than we could go.
as time passes I watched as our existence became fairy tales and legends where the young ones didn't believe it anymore and then they grew up and still didn't believe. the few on land that knew and where the land travels where outcasts and where then branded witches and wizards. some where worshiped as gods others were ostracized and then burned at the stake.
I watched as time went by and even though my kind where all the tatiee they where not of my clan, I felt sad and alone 1000 years passed and I was still watching and then I felt something that was the last thing I thought I would feel... another one of my clan no that can't be there is no way my clan was destroyed by the asteroid that killed the giant lizards on land along with a large portion of the land it self bringing the world into darkness for many years before it cleared and started thriving again.
it just can't be another like me with many life's to live I was 3700 years old and only had 20000 more years before I died it was a miracle that I was happy and sad about( I was just getting to the point where I was totally ok with being the last of my kind) for I am sure when they where 18 years old they would come look for me to learn what they where and how to use their magic but I was at the state of my life where I was just watching not caring about the workings of it all.
I hope they grow up big and strong.
i hope you like it and enjoy the ride as I write my frist ever story....I did some updates hope it is not to confusing