
The Beginning- Part 2

Dino's day started much like any other.

Get up at 6am.

Have medication.

Get a cup of tea.

Have a shower.

Get changed.

Get food and another cup of tea.

Grab motorbike, helmet and keys.

Get to the orphanage by 8am.

See the kids off to school.

Then help with the small jobs around the orphanage until the kids came back.


Although his routine went as well as any other day, something didn't feel right.

A gut feeling you could say, instinct?

Dino didn't know.

He just knew that something bad was going to happen but he didn't know what.

Time past by slowly.

Minute by minute.

Second by second.




If Dino was being honest that clock had started to get on his nerves.

The hours past until it was time to fetch the children from school.

For the first time in a while Dino opted do go with the driver and the head of the orphanage who he knew well, considering she'd brought him up after his parents abandoned him on the steps of the orphanage, to pick the children up from school.

With the money Dino had donated, they had brought a 50 seater coach which helped massively when picking all of the children up and dropping them off.

It took them half an hour to reach the school that the children attended.

Pulling up in the school car park, Dino felt his stomach churn.

A sickening feeling overcame him like an extreme bout of vertigo and a panic attack combined.

The world round him pulsated.

His heart rate spiked to a speed that would make doctors pale.

His ears rung.

His vision becoming almost watery.

The world rippling like a pond with a rock thrown in it.

The sound of footsteps were heard as the children filed into the coach.

With the appearance of the first child, Dino's senses seemed to clear up instantaneously.

The feeling disappeared.

He finally let out the breath he'd been holding for what seemed like an eternity.

His heart rate finally returning to somewhere in the range of normalcy for him at least.

Minutes past, they were finally ready to head back to the orphanage.

The drive back was through long bending country cliff roads. The sites were beautiful, overlooking the whole city from the road as the sun began to set made one think that they were in a painting or a really posh screen saver.

The trip back was mostly uneventful but 15 minutes into the journey the coach had to make a swerve due to an idiotic driver racing what appeared to be his friend or at the very least someone the driver knew.

As soon as the coach driver swerved Dino's instincts roared back into action.

This was it.

That was the only thought that came to his mind.

From that simple swerve came a skid.

From the skid came a slide.

From the slide came a crash.

Unfortunately for all on board that crash happened to be the back end of the coach ripping through the safety barrier along the cliff edge.

The children on board older and younger began to cry and scream, they were petrified and it wasn't only the children who were scared, the orphanage head and the driver were shaking from terror.

In this situation Dino became oddly calm, almost uncomfortably so.

Maybe he was calm because his gut had warned him that something was going to happen and simply accepted it, he didn't know but his first responsibility was getting everyone on the coach to safety as quickly as humanly possible.

He tried to calm the children first and he did with surprising ease. He then organised them to file out of the coach 2 at a time, making sure the coach weight was evenly distributed so it didn't fall down the cliff.

Within 20 minutes he'd managed to get 90 percent of the people off, only a few remained.

Dino had eventually got everyone out safely. Feeling relieved he proceeded with a head count only to find someone missing.

Searching for the missing child, he heard the coach scrape as the weight began to shift but following the scrape a scream was heard from within the coach.

Dino's stomach sunk.

The missing child was inside.

Without thinking about his own saftey, Dino ran into the coach much to the dismay of everyone else.

Inside the vehicle, Dino stood trying to counter balance the weight of the nervous child but he quickly realised it wasn't working.

He sighed as his thoughts echoed throughout his mind.

'Well looks like this is it, it's either me or this kid'

A snort was heard through his nose.

'Guess I'll choose the kid, my heart won't last long after all this stress ahahaha might as well put my life to use one last time'

His mind was made up.

"Hey kid, when I say GO, run towards the door, you understand?"

The kid nodded.


The child shifted and so did Dino switching places in an instant.

The child made it off but the coach began to fall, no time was left for Dino to escape.

So he simply accepted fate.

The coach fell.

Followed by a roll and a crash and more rolling.

By the time the coach reached the bottom, fire had consumed it and within 10 seconds of it landing an explosion erupted, completely decimating the life of Dino.

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