
The Emperor Rides For War

There was the expected silence. Laz knew that if what he was saying was true, then the implications of that were enormous. He also wasn't sure if the girls would believe him as he didn't know if it was actually true... but it seemed highly logical considering the information he had. 

The goddesses were silent for a while as they weighed Laz's words, realizing that it made much more sense than it should have. Even fi they didn't want to believe it, there was far too much proof saying otherwise. 

There was still the slim chance that the half brothers and sisters were dying to an unknown mission... but after all this time for the mission to have been kept such a secret seemed almost impossible. After a while, they could only sigh in defeat, knowing that the answer wouldn't come this easily.

"We should head back now," Aphrodite finally said, waving her hand so that all of them disappeared.

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