
The Hidden Shadow

Hera knew what Levia meant as she had felt it herself. She just thought it was her nerves or some other unseen force. Still, it was enough that Levia said what she did to allow Hera to understand that he feeling was right, even if she didn't know where it had come from.

'I feel so much more in turn with everything ever since... Heh. I guess the essence of an Asura really is the most wonderful tonic. Not only has my senses progressed, but my realm has begun to move as well. Sigh. How long has it been since I felt this... alive. How long since I became lost in the sacred world of motherhood and of running the country that I forgot how it felt to just let loose. Ah. Now I'm thinking about him again. To think he would make me do such horrible things? And then suggest there was more I could do? Who does he think he is? Some young boy thinks he came dominate me?... But... It did feel so good...'

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