

Have you ever felt that itch in your head that won't go away? Or maybe is a bit of pain that seems to be there but isn't connected to anything. It's not earth shattering, life ending or in any way debilitating, but it's more like a constant annoyance that you feel every moment of every day. Laz had been feeling this way for a few days. He couldn't explain why he felt this way either. At first, it was something he could ignore, especially when he was focusing on training.

Over the course of two weeks, Laz and Kat ran together almost every day without fail. Even when the weather starting getting colder and colder, they just put on a few layers. As it turned out, their bodies provided enough heat to keep them warm as long as the heat wasn't constantly escaping. As such, Laz got to experience I whole new level of thermal laced clothing that kind of resembled skin tight body suits.

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