
World cleansing (Part-2)

When Jai was moving towards the direction of Elderwood, he suddenly noticed a powerful source of magic power approaching him at a high rate and stopped to observe as the image of the woman became more and more clear.

'Morrigian, what is she doing here? Was she not tasked with the security of Kai's parents?'

Morrigan also sensed Jai's presence more clearly and slowed him down.

Jai reached out to her while waving his hands,"Morrigan, what are you doing here? What about Kai's parents?"

"Master has returned and sent me to help you out, he will also arrive within ten to fifteen minutes. But what about you? Cannot even handle these young Elderwood without exhausted your magic and mental strength. As far as I know dragons tend to have greater mental strength than humans and I can't believe that using rune magic would exhaust you so quickly even though it's consumed greater mental strength than elemental magic."


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