
World of Creators (Part-1)

Kai who was just beside Arya saw the seven colours merging into a blinding white light forcing him to close his eyes.

At the same time he heard Arya voice in his head.

"We have reached the end of the tunnel, prepare yourself to deal with any situation on the other end under the absence of magic laws."

Nodded Kai and turned his head to pass on the same message to both Alice and Behemoon who were feeling excited and nervous to see what is on the other end after hours of a boring journey.

As blinding white light consumed them and for a time forced them not to be able to see anything aside from the burning red colour with closed eyes and on opening them Kai saw a completely different world from what he had imagined it to be.

After entering the Samsara world and witnessing all those weird creatures and gloomy atmosphere of darkness as well as feeling the physical weak without blessings of magic laws and fast consumption of mental strength.

Next chapter