
Life of The Fool(Part-1)

Knowing that Oliver, Esabella, Alina, Alice and Morrigan arrived and Jai turned around and saw them looking at Sunaya and Zebel.

"Jai, master Daoma. Who are they?"asked Esabella.

"They are the teacher of Daoma and his fellow Apprentice Brother of Master Daoma. Master Sunaya and Sir Zebel. They have come to meet Master Daoma."

Alice and Oliver were astonished and looked at Sunaya.

They are the only people aside from Jai that know that Daoma is living for billions of years and has come from the vast world outside the Continent.

'Just told his master Daoma teacher and how he was able to enter the continent? When we are still disconnected from the outside world?'

Both Alice and Oliver had the same thought.

Next chapter