
Alien Buns

July 17, 20X2 (Friday)

The Hospital

"The second baby is out!" The doctor screeched to the nurses, making them scramble to get the newborn baby, so the doctor's hands are free in case the third one pops unexpectedly like the latest baby.

The delivery room was now filled with two small cries that rattled Mei Lin's heart. She was exhausted, sweat dripping from her forehead to her cheeks and dropping towards her chin.

In haste to be on Mei Lin's good side, Yang immediately took his handkerchief and wiped his wife's face while murmuring sweet nothings to her, "You see doing great, love. One more and they're complete."

Mei Lin wanted to punch her husband in the face. Of course, he would quickly say something like that because he wasn't the one pushing it out! One more wrong comment from him and she'll really cut his dick! She was about to retort and shout at him when another contraction hit her like a ton of bricks being piled on top of her stomach.

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