

June 29, 20X2 (Monday)

Various Places

"Thankfully, her spine did not break. If it did, there would be many complications for the birth, but I am keeping her here to monitor the pregnancy. These kids are not even born yet, but they're already a riot. You can't believe how rowdy they are, even when Mei Lin is asleep." Dr. Zhang pointed out at Mei Lin's stomach.

When Yang's eyes glanced on the small but consistent movement, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. Why did he want kids again? He hadn't had sex for months! Yang craved for Mei Lin's time which these kids of his has already stolen! Now, they made their mother go to the hospital! The CEO was fuming mad.

"How long will she stay here?" Yang asked.

"Until she pops out all of your little me, she'll be bedridden..." Dr. Zhang Li Xi murmured without thinking, realizing too late that he had spilled the beans of the gender of the babies.

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