
Jewelry Exhibit Part 2

April 23, 20X2 (Friday)

The Exhibit

Because Zhao Yang doesn't usually come to events such as these, people around them were in disbelief. Mei Lin tried not to let the stares to bother her. They came to cause chaos, and Mei Lin knew all she needed to do was follow her husband's lead, and all will be well.

The famous painter looped her hands to her husband's right arm, forcing Yang to let go of his tight hold on her waist. Yang did not say anything against her movements and let her do whatever she wanted. The fact that his arms were slowly swallowed up by her breasts was honestly the main reason why, but she didn't need to know that.

"Excuse me, I am Sally Devon, the one in charge with the auction that will be held after the showcase." a foreign blonde woman with pretty blue eyes said as she greeted them politely.

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