
Cravings Part 1

February 14-28, 20X2 (Friday- Friday Night)

Various Places

Zhao Yang likes spending his time with his wife and children. In fact, it relaxes him when Mei Lin was beside him. Well, it used to be relaxing. Now, it just stresses him. Mei Lin has had mood swings after mood swings, and cravings after cravings.

Although he was partly to be blamed at using his dick and injecting her with pregnancy serum, Yang needed some time off with dealing with his wife. Now, his workplace has become relaxing for him.

In the middle of a meeting of an international client, Yang's phone rang loud and vibrated hard on top of the table. Seeing Mei Lin's name on the caller's ID, Yang excused himself and took the call outside the meeting room.

"Hello, Love? Is there something wrong?" Yang answered his phone. The first thing Yang heard was Mei Lin's sniffling as if she was crying.

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