
The Stars of the Event

February 1, 20X2 (Saturday Night)

Hao Manor

Surprised and alarmed at the swamped of people and paparazzi at the gates of Hao Manor, Mei Lin could not help but gape in agast. The rest of the Zhao family had gone ahead as both Yue and Mei Lin had taken their time dressing for the night, forcing Yang to stay with them. Because the event starts in the evening and ends close to midnight, The kids were told to stay in the safe hands of their French grandfather.

"Is this kind of Charity event normal?" Mei Lin asked. She had also hosted something like this too, but it had been so grand because of its large scale that reaches to almost all orphanage of the city. This charity event was only a fraction of that event, but the grandness was near likeness. The fact that is was held in a Manor rather than a large building already told the guest that it should be a warm and smaller scale, to see the opposite made the visitors hesitant.

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