
Unexpectedly Calm Part 2

October 23, 20XX (Wednesday)

Zhao Manor

In the halls of the manor, panicked guests were running swift and fast to the exit. Trained servants tried to restrain them, but fear got in a way and made more mess on the manor. Ru Shi had dragged the stupid girl into a car with guards who would safely return the girl to her father. Even if she was an idiot for falling for Fool, she was still innocent.

Ru Shi then hurried to Mother Zhao's side and helped with crowd control as much as she could. The main event happened in the Gardens as Mei Lin's father had predicted. The terrorists had to cause chaos first before they could enter the fortified Mansion. Ru Shi's eyes shifted from people's face, in a lookout of men or woman she doesn't know. With all the chaos that had passed, it was easy for an uninvited guest to just slipped inside.

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