
Her Resposibilities

August 13, 20XX (Tuesday)

Various Places

Ever since Yang and Mei Li had announced their plan to adopt two children, the Zhao Manor had been buzzing with activities. After their wild announcement, everyone was given time to settle the news in; all were starting to warm up to the idea when Tuesday came. Mei Li had visited the orphanage with Yang again to tell their decision to the matron.

All the staff of the orphanage had jumped in joy for Ling Ling and Chang, but remain quiet after Yang had said to them that they want to tell the kids after they meet all of the members of the Zhao family. That is why the Matron joined them to go to the manor that Ling Ling and Chang would hopefully be staying soon.

The children were bouncing in the backseat of CEO Zhao's sedan while chatting rapidly. They had been talking about which ice cream flavor was the best, and Miss Wu and Ling Ling had agreed it was strawberry, but CEO Zhao had quipped with, "Mint is the best."

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