
Chapter 2 – Adoption Day

I walk out of my room and head towards my right. The floor is rough, hard and covered with small rocks that prickle my feet as I walk down the hallway. I have always walked barefooted, on a good day your feet will be intact. On a bad day, you might scrape it and it gets bloody.

The passage is rather long and narrow, only wide enough to fit one person at a time. On either side of the passage are dormitories. Each room is crammed with six to ten kids. I love it! It makes it warm and fuzzy!

At the end of the hallway are two white doors, that are always open and leads to the kitchen which is the biggest room in the whole building. Children are running down the hallway and trying to squeeze pass each other.

How I feel sorry for them, running on the hard-rocky sandy floor. It must be so painful for them. I pass through the door and wow all the orphans are all lined up from the tallest to the shortest!

I must be the last one!

Today must be a really special day, because I have never ever seen so many people before. Children, men and woman in all different sizes and shapes.

There was one I was familiar with though, dressed in a stripy black top, with his pants eagerly wanting to burst open was our local butcher Edward. He always comes, each time taking a handful of children with him.

I have always been curious to know how he was able to have a belly, and be rich enough support so many children each and every year. I mean I wouldn't mind learning the secret.

Dreams aside, on his right is a nice-young looking couple. I have never seen them before.

The man was handsome, I have never seen someone so flawless, his face was long and perfectly symmetrical, wearing a sleek navy-blue suit.

And equally perfect was the young lady standing by his side, who had long dark wavy hair, sapphire green eyes, and a full-length white dress.

"Hello, is there something on my face?"

Shambles! I must have looked at him for too long. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, my whole face burned red, my heart was beating at a hundred beats per second, I could feel the trickle of sweat forming in my hands as I stared blankly at him.

"Don't worry about him, he love teasing. How about you tell me what your name is?"


Name is Evelyn, this was too embarrassing, my whole faced burned as I tried to say it out loud but I just couldn't do it.

"Take it easy, one word at a time."

"My name is... Evelyn, but everyone calls me Eve." I must have squealed the last word out, because I barely heard it myself.

"Good work, it's a pleasure to meet you Evelyn. My name is Lisa and my hubby here is a tricky one, he's called Giovanni. Why don't you try?"


"Awesome! Do you think you can tell me how old you are?"

"I am seven, but I will be turning eight at the end of the year."

"I love it. I like you, what do you say? We meet again at this same exact place after me and Lisa have gone for a few more rounds?"


"Then it's settled!"

Giovanni pats me on the head, and taking Lisa's hand they turn around and move towards the other kids. My eyes follow them until they disappear into the crowd.

I was still finding it hard to believe, that Giovanni actually liked me, and that they were going to come back and meet me again. For what but? Were they thinking of adopting me? Were they going to take me away from the orphanage? Was I finally going to have real parents?

Who will cherish me, love me, and spoil me?

I couldn't believe what I was saying, just moments ago, I was thinking of never leaving this place and just how fortunate I am being here. I felt like a traitor, I was actually getting butterflies in my tummy, thinking about the possibilities of leaving this place.

To start a new life. A new beginning. And to finally have real parents, who will love me, kiss me, pat me and look after me.


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