
Good news

Lu Tian stood outside of the house he shared with his wife. His left hand stuck inside his pants pocket while his other hand clasped around his phone at his side.

He stares ahead to the panoramic view of Imperial, and his eyes slowly flutter.

After returning home, he had received a phone call from Xu Long. The call was to let him know that a new location had been assigned for Qin Jun, Kira, and Song Jing Li.

At that moment, Ye Zhongwei was on his way to bring the three men to the newly secured place.

Although it was a risky take, it was better to have the three men stay near Retro.

His eyes calmly blink before his tall figure turns around. He enters the house and walks up the stairs to his and Yue Ling's shared study room.

Once he took a seat at his desk, his eyes landed on his wife's desk.

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