
It's for our child

As the sky engulfed in darkness over the lake, Lu Tian knew then that even with the moon playing a part to light the way, it was still not enough.

He calmly reaches under his seat and takes out a battery-operated lantern that had been put there before they arrived. He switches it on and hands it on the hook at the front of the wooden boat.

Turning back to face his wife, he stretches his arms out to her and places both his palms over the back of her hands as she held onto the item she had found.

He looks down at the item and a trace of unexplainable emotion stirred in his eyes.

"They say the root of a Lotus grows in the most stained waters in the world, but despite the water being tainted, it can conquer all and produce the most beautiful flower."

Thanks to the light from the lantern, Yue Ling could make out the details of what was in her hand.

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