
your subordinate

While the situation inside Uncle Zhi's shop took place, outside in the back, Jiangyu and Ju Suo stood at the far end facing one another.

"I'm sorry…"

Ju Suo's child like voice quietly spoke with a sad expression. Her head hung low and she stares down at her feet. She could not bare to look at Jiangyu.

She had finally met the man of her dreams and everything was going fine. She did plan to tell him, but she wanted to wait until the finalized their relationship. Yet, something like this had to happen.

Does this mean she cannot like him anymore?

Jiangyu stares down at the petite woman who is not even half his size. His eyes blinks a few times with a confused expression.

He has never been in a relationship and no women ever approached him. In the past, if he were to even talk to a girl, they would run away in fear.

That being said, he's never been a situation like this.

However, hearing her sudden apology, he was even more confused.

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