
return this to you

"What is it? Why is the General suddenly crying?"

"I have never seen the old man cry before. Han Yue Ling's gift must be very meaningful to make him cry so sad."

Questions erupt from the crowd as they suddenly see the infamous and strong General cry in such a heart-breaking way.

Yue Ling muted the voices of those whispering as her eyes stares only at the old man at her side. She did not expect him to break down the moment he saw this, but who could blame him.

It had been so many years…

Lifting her hand, she gentle touch his back and sooth him like he was child.

"Yeye, please do not cry… It breaks my heart to see you this way."

Grandfather Ji nod his head, but he was unable to calm his tears as he stares down at the gift she had given him.

Seated on the other side, when Ji Jingxu saw the gift, his eyes also teared up, but he forced his tears to not fall. The pain in his heart cannot be compared to the old man's at this moment.

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