
colorful dishes

In the distance away from An Qing, Liu Shan's black car can be seen driving through the streets of Imperial as it gets smaller and smaller. Inside, he glance every so often to the rearview mirror.

Ever since they left An Qing, Yue Ling had not spoken a word, but immerse herself into her own thoughts.

Seeing her lost in her own world, he couldn't help but ask.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Yue Ling had her head turned to face the window as she stares blankly out. Although the many buildings continue to pass by, she was stuck in a daze. 

She couldn't help but think about her good friend, Chen Yifeng. In order to fulfill her dream, he had put aside his own dream to help her.

If she had not put him in the CEO chair, maybe he and Qinqin would have been married by now and were happily exploring the world together.

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