
Good Job

"Ahh! My chest hurts! Get a doctor to treat my wound!"

Doctor Xie cries out in pain as blood continue to ooze from his chest. His white coat is stain with blood and his entire person is disheveled.

Earlier when he planned to kill grandmother Nuo, he didn't think that Lu Tian would shoot him.

As a doctor, he can tell that the bullet penetrated only 1 centimeter above his heart. However, it hurts more than anything.

Not only that, before he could shoot the old lady, General Ji had shot his gun causing him to fire in the air.

He glares at the old man in military uniform and then to Lu Tian.

"Can't you see I am bleeding? Get me a doctor!"

Dragging Doctor Xie down the stairs, Lu Tian's expression does not change. He ignores the man's need for a doctor and when he takes the last step of the stairs, he shoves Doctor Xie to the police chief.

"Take him in."

"I need a doctor!! I'm going to bleed to death!"

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