
v4 ch9

Sure enough, Kyle sent us a text in the group chat just after the last bell of the day rang, saying he and Dave had detention. We could wait in the library for them to be done in an hour. Noah replied, no thanks. I gave his message a thumbs up as the twins started to leave angry emojis.

We walked to the parking lot, finding Garret's car with ease. With Zeke and the twins, we rarely needed rides so I was little nervous with Garret's driving, but he was fine. Stopped at yellow lights and waited three seconds at stop signs. He followed all the rules of the road. He didn't fall into the stereotype of a male teenage driver we had learned about in Driver's Ed.

"You're watching me very closely, Jake." Garret commented. "Looking for a weakness already?" He was driving us home first since we didn't have our gear with us like he did.

"No, just watching you drive." I answered.

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