
V3 ch111 Game Three: San Marino (3)

Garret would be the first lefty to face the left-handed pitcher for us. Garret did get cornered quick, falling to a 1-2 count. With two strikes on him, he swung at the next closest pitch, pulling it to right field. The right fielder caught it with ease for the first out of the inning. 

Noah moved to the batter's box and I got to leave the dugout for the on deck circle. Noah made early contact, hitting a hard grounder in a good spot between the third baseman and shortstop. But the shortstop made an amazing stop and an even better throw to first, just barely beating Noah out. 

"Tch." Noah shook his head as he went back to the dugout. He really almost got it through. If the shortstop was just a bit slower or if his throw wasn't so on point...Noah could have gotten on. 

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